url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Create tokens as instructed here and then add these three headers to your requests:
Header | Value | What is this? |
X-AppSecretToken | YOUR_PRIVATE_TOKEN | This identifies your app. This is your secret token. Try using the value demo. |
X-AgreementGrantToken | YOUR_AGREEMENT_GRANT_TOKEN | This identifies the grant issued by an agreement, to allow your app to access their data. Try using the value demo. |
Content-Type | application/json | We’re a JSON based api. This tells us that you agree with us on using JSON. |
Optional headers:
Header | Value | What is this? |
Idempotency-Key | YOUR_IDEMPOTENCY_KEY | This represents your own unique idempotency key. Enables you to make use of our Idempotency Tokens feature. You can’t use this feature with GET requests. |
Issue a GET to and see what is returned.
Next try getting and see what is available.
Welcome to the E-conomic REST API Documentation!
The e-conomic API is a document based JSON REST API. We have tried to make it human-readable and approachable for developers with limited understanding of the inner-workings of e-conomic.
For more in-depth information about e-conomic please have a look at the e-copedia
Demo authentication
If you wish to try out the API before registering a developer agreement, you can do this using the demo agreement. There are two ways of doing that.
Via query string
The first way is really easy. Just append the query string ?demo=true
to your request URL. You only need to this on the first request, then all links in the API will have that query string appended.
All 401 Not Authorized responses also include a demo link to that exact resource. This allows for easy browsing of the API when discovering what is available.
Via headers
The second way is one that allows for an easy “hello world” application. This mimics the authentication flow you will have to use when you create your own app. Just specify HTTP header tokens X-AgreementGrantToken: demo
and X-AppSecretToken: demo
. That way you can create an application and connect just as you would if you had a real integration. But without the need to register.
Tools we use every day
We use these tools all day every day when working with our REST API. They make things easy for us, and we think they could help you as well.
This is one our favorite REST clients. All links are clickable. Header definition is easy and everything is nicely formatted and easily readable. Responses are easy to inspect. You can save requests and setups. Whatever you want to test out in the REST API this is your new best friend. If you haven’t yet explored a hyper media REST API through Postman then good things are definitely waiting for you.
When you need to debug, then Fiddler is absolutely one of the best tools out there. It will let you proxy your HTTP requests and responses so you can gain complete insight and see exactly what your code or client generated. This will save you many hours of head scratching. Head on over to Telerik and download it.
JSON Formatter Chrome Extension
This extension formats all JSON in a nice and readable manner. It also makes all links clickable just like in Postman. If you want to start exploring our API directly in your browser, then just install this extension, go to and follow the links.
Advanced REST Client Chrome Plugin
This tool makes it easy to send requests to our API, and inspect the response. Just add your headers and start GET'ing and POST'ing.
Chrome Developer Extensions
If you are building a browser JavaScript app, nothing beats the developer tools already embedded in the browser. Just hit F12 and start inspecting your requests.
In case a proxy like Fiddler isn’t hardcore enough for you there’s always Wireshark. Wireshark will let you inspect EVERYTHING going over the internet pipes. Literally. An added bonus is there’s even a MacOS version as well as the source code if you’re feeling adventurous.
REST Basics
Self link
All resources and collections have a property “self” which value is a unique URL that represents that exact resource or collection. The self link for a collection will also contain any pagination, filtering or sorting applied.
Collections vs. Resources
The e-conomic REST API is a json document based API, that consists of a number of resources and collections of resources. Collections are named after the type of resource that can be found in the collection, and then pluralized. For example a collection of customers is called just that:
Each resource in the collection will contain a self link, that is made up of the collection self link with the resource identifier appended. So customer #20 will have the following self link; For entities with complex identifiers the self link will always give you the compliant URL for the resource.
HTTP Verbs
POST Create. POST is always done at collection level.
PUT Overwrite / Create. PUT is always directed at a ressource. PUT to an existing ressource will overwrite the full object and must include the full entity. PUT to a non-existing ressource will depending on support of defining the ID create a ressource at that path.
PATCH Add / Overwrite. PATCH is always directed at a ressource. In REST terms PATCH would allow changing select properties. Please note that our API does NOT feature PATCH support on JSON documents. Please use PUT and remember this must include the full entity/document.
Annotated errors
When creating or updating data through the REST API validation will be made on the supplied data before any create/update operation is executed. If any errors are found in the supplied data your operation will not be accepted and you will get a 400 Bad Request resonse back that, amongst other things, details the errors found.
The annotated errors are formatted to match the data sent in the request payload. That means that we return a document with the properties that fail validation, where the value of each property has been replaced with an error object. The valid properties are removed from the document, making it easy to match up with a UI that already matches up with the request payload.
The response will look like this:
Property | Description |
message | A general message explaining the error |
developerHint | A general hit given to developers to help solve the error |
httpStatusCode | The HTTP status code returned |
errors | A listing of all errors found in annotated form |
The annotated errors are formatted to match the data sent in the request payload. That means that we return a document with the properties that fail validation, where the value of each property has been replaced with an error object. The valid properties are removed from the document, making it easy to match up with a UI that already matches up with the request payload.
//example of a response for a failed POST operation.
"message": "Validation error.",
"developerHint": "Inspect validation errors and correct your request.",
"logId": "c7ca5bc2-ad2d-4639-93f9-b22ba88c97d7",
"httpStatusCode": 400,
"errors": {
"currency": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "E06000",
"message": "currency does not exist.",
"value": "ZUL",
"developerHint": "Find a list of currencies at"
"customer": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "E06000",
"message": "customer does not exist.",
"value": "987987987",
"developerHint": "Find a list of resources at"
"lines": [
"arrayIndex": 0,
"unit": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "E06000",
"message": "unit does not exist.",
"value": 10,
"developerHint": "Find a list of units at"
"unitNetPrice": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "E04740",
"message": "unitNetPrice scale cannot be greater then two decimal places.",
"value": 10.12345,
"developerHint": "Please check the format of your data."
"arrayIndex": 1,
"product": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "E04500",
"message": "No identifiers present on product. Please include either a self link or a productNumber.",
"developerHint": "Find a list of resources at"
"quantity": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": "E04730",
"message": "Property quantity must have a value when product is set.",
"developerHint": "Please check your request data."
"logTime": "2015-03-12T16:44:56"
The example to the right shows a POST operation to invoices/drafts containing a single invoice with 3 lines. There are a total of 6 errors found 3 on the invoice, 2 on line 1 and 1 on line 2.
A specific error consists of the following information or a subset there of:
Property | Description |
errorCode | The error code associated with this particular error |
message | A text describing the error |
value | The value sent in |
developerHint | A message to developers to try to help them resolve the issue |
If multiple errors are found on a specific property the errors array will contain multiple error objects.
Array index
The “arrayIndex” property is a bit special. In our example it is present on the invoice lines level but it may also be present on the invoice level in a different operation. The arrayIndex specify, in our example, what line the errors where found on. If our operation would have been a POST containing multiple invoices arrayIndex, on the invoice level, would have been present and would here specify what invoice the errors was found on.
Errors on the invoice level
These are the errors found on the invoice level:
"currency": { "errors": [ { "errorCode": "E06000", "message": "currency does not exist.", "value": "ZUL", "developerHint": "Find a list of currencies at" } ] } "customer": { "errors": [ { "errorCode": "E06000", "message": "customer does not exist.", "value": "987987987", "developerHint": "Find a list of resources at" } ] } "quantity": { "errors": [ { "errorCode": "E04730", "message": "Property quantity must have a value when product is set.", "developerHint": "Please check your request data." } ] }
Errors on the invoice line level
These are the errors found on the invoice line level:
"lines": [ { "arrayIndex": 0, "unit": { "errors": [ { "errorCode": "E06000", "message": "unit does not exist.", "value": 10, "developerHint": "Find a list of units at" } ] }, "unitNetPrice": { "errors": [ { "errorCode": "E04740", "message": "unitNetPrice scale cannot be greater then two decimal places.", "value": 10.12345, "developerHint": "Please check the format of your data." } ] } }, { "arrayIndex": 1, "product": { "errors": [ { "errorCode": "E04500", "message": "No identifiers present on product. Please include either a self link or a productNumber.", "developerHint": "Find a list of resources at" } ] } } ]
This structure looks a bit different than the errors on the invoice level, specifically the addition of a “arrayIndex” property. This property tells us which line the errors was found on. So in our example above we found 2 errors on the first line (unit and unitNetPrice) and 1 error on the second line (product).
Currently we offer no versioning of the API. Some endpoints will be stable and others will be experimental. This is displayed directly on the home resource of the API. As endpoints move out of their experimental mode and become stable, we’ll update the home resource to reflect this.
Later on, as our API evolves, we might find it necessary to add versioning. But calling directly on the root of the API will always provide you with the latest API version.
We use pagination on our collections. If nothing else is specified the collection endpoints will return 20 resources. URL parameters will allow you to increase this to 1.000 resources and to skip pages if necessary. Each endpoint offers convenient links to navigate through the pagination. The examples below is what you would get on a resource with 40 entries.
First page
Next page
Last page
Filtering is enabled on all collection endpoints but not on all properties.
Filtering on collections can be done using the query string parameter filter
. A filter is made up of a set of predicates, and follows a syntax inspired by mongoDB. A predicate is made up of a property name, an operator and a value.
Example: ?filter=name$eq:Joe
This matches all resources with the value Joe in the property name.
Predicates can be chained using either of the logical operators AND and OR.
Example: ?filter=name$eq:Joe$and:city$like:*port
Filtering on strings is case insensitive.
Specifying Operator affinity
If you want to control the operator affinity then you can use parentheses.
An example is: ?filter=name$eq:Joe$and:(city$like:*port$or:age$lt:40)
URL Encoding
URL parameter values should always be URL compatible. Always URL encode filter strings.
Filter Operators
The allowed filtering operators are:
Operator | Syntax |
Equals | “$eq:” |
Not equals | “$ne:” |
Greater than | “$gt:” |
Greater than or equal | “$gte:” |
Less than | “$lt:” |
Less than or equal | “$lte:” |
Substring match | “$like:” |
And also | “$and:” |
Or else | “$or:” |
In | “$in:” |
Not In | “$nin:” |
Substring matching
The $like:
filter supports both using wildcards (*) and not using wildcards. If no wildcards are used, the expression is considered a contains expression and effectively becomes a filter with a wildcard at the start of the string and one at the end of the string.
Escaping special characters in your filter
In order to not interfere with the parsing of the filter expression, certain escape sequences are necessary.
- “$” is escaped with “$$”
- “(” is escaped with “$(”
- “)” is escaped with “$)”
- “*” is escaped with “$*”
- “,” is escaped with “$,”
- “[” is escaped with “$[”
- “]” is escaped with “$]”
Using null values in your filter
Should you want to filter for the non existence of a property (i.e. null value) you can use the null escape sequence.
Using in and not in operators
To determine whether a specified value matches any value in (or not in) a list you filter using the $in:
or $nin:
operator. The list to filter by has to be inclosed in brackets and values seperated by commas.
We only allow in and not in operators on numeric properties. So it is not possible to use on string properties. It is possible to also use the $null:
keyword if you wish to include that in the filter.
The max supported length of an array using the $in:
or $nin:
operator is 200.
Information about what properties allow filtering can be found in the schema for the collection. Each property that allows filtering has the property "filterable": true
set. If you try to sort on something that isn’t allowed the server will respond with a status code 400.
Sorting on strings is case insensitive.
Sort ascending
Sorting on collections can be done using the query string parameter ‘sort’.
Sort descending
The default sort direction is ascending, but this can be turned by prepending a minus (-).
Sort by multiple properties
If you need to sort by multiple properties these can just be separated by commas. Mixing of directions is allowed.
Sort alphabetically
In certain cases you might want to enforce that even numeric values are sorted alphabetically, so 1000 is less than 30. In those cases you can prepend the sort property with a tilde (~).
Information about what properties are sortable can be found in the schema for the collection. Each property that allows sorting has the property "sortable": true
set. The property the collection is sorted by by default has the property defaultSorting
set to either ascending or descending.
HTTP Status Codes
The REST API returns these HTTP status codes.
Code | Text | Description |
200 | OK | Everything is OK |
201 | Created | When you create resources, this is what you get. This will be accompanied by the created resource in the body and a location header with a link to the created resource. |
204 | No Content | In certain cases there is nothing to return. So we will let you know by returning a 204. |
400 | Bad Request | The request you made was somehow malformed. A malformed request could be failed validation on creation or updating. If you try to filter on something that isn’t filterable this is also what you’ll see. Whenever possible we will also try to include a developer hint to help you get around this issue. |
401 | Unauthorized | The credentials you supplied us with weren’t correct, or perhaps you forgot them all together. If an agreement has revoked the grant they gave your app, this is what you will see. |
403 | Forbidden | You won’t necessarily have access to everything. So even though you were authorized we might still deny access to certain resources. This depends on the roles asked for when the grant was issued. |
404 | Not Found | This is returned when you try to request something that doesn’t exist. This could be a resource that has been deleted or just a url you tried to hack. If you see a lot of these, it could be an indication that you aren’t using the links provided by the API. You should never need to concatenate any urls. The API should provide you with the links needed. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | Not all endpoints support all http methods. If you try issue a PUT request to a collection resource this is what you get. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | Our API is a JSON api. If you ask us to give you anything else, we give you this, and tell you why in the JSON body of the response. |
500 | Internal Server Error | We don’t like to see these, and they are flagged in our logs. When you see this, something went wrong on our end. Either try again, or contact our support. |
501 | Not Implemented | The API is still evolving, and sometimes our resources will link to stuff that we haven’t implemented yet. |
JSON Schema
JSON schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. The JSON document is being validated against the document containing the description that is called schema. Currently we use JSON schema version 3 in the e-conomic REST API.
Required Properties
Each endpoint that allows writing data must include a list of required properties for the action. This list will mention required objects and properties as well as required properties on optional objects when these are set. If ‘object’ is listed then that object is required. If ‘property’ is listed then that property is required. If ‘’ is listed but ‘objectA’ is not listed as required, then this is an optional object and the property is only required when the object is set.
Example: property1, property2, object1, object1.property1, object2.property1
object2.property1 is ONLY required IF object2 is defined. But object2 is not listed and is therefore optional.
Please note that for referenced objects in the REST API you are free to reference the entity via either id or self-link. For that reason an object like ‘customer’ on POST to /invoice is required yet there are no properties listed as required as customer.customerNumber and customer.self are either/or for requirement. The rule here is that self will always point directly to the resource.
Custom resource self-link encoding
For self-links (the direct URL path to a resource) the question of non-alphanumeric characters must be solved in REST APIs by either encoding or replacement to ensure URL compatibility.
In the e-conomic REST API a subset of non-alphanumeric characters are replaced using a custom scheme for resource URLs:
Character | Replacement |
“<” | 0 |
“>” | 1 |
“*” | 2 |
“%” | 3 |
“:” | 4 |
“&” | 5 |
“/” | 6 |
“\” | 7 |
“_” | 8 |
“ ” (whitespace) | 9 |
“?” | 10 |
“.” | 11 |
“#” | 12 |
“+” | 13 |
Example: Product “My Awesome Product_Discount5%” Resource URL (self):
All other non-alphanumeric characters in resource URLs are standard URL encoded. Please refer to standard URL encoding for characters not mentioned above.
Implementation specifics
Helpful details to know when implementing e-conomic REST.
Booleans should only be expected to be represented in responses when true. A false boolean is omitted from response body. The same logic applies to write operations such as POST and PUT.
We do not generally accept null as a value and a validation exception should be expected. To null a property you must exclude it from your JSON on the write operation.
Idempotency tokens
Idempotency tokens are unique keys that help maintain the integrity of operations on the API’s. These tokens prevent accidental duplication of requests, ensuring that the same operation is not performed multiple times, even if the same request is sent repeatedly.
When making a request, you can set Idempotency-Key
header with your own unique value for that specific request. In case of a network failure, if you don’t get the response, you can retry the request with the same value for the header. Our system will prevent duplicate requests, instead you will get the original response from our cache.
Keep in mind that this is cached for only one hour window.
When we return a response from the cache, we set a response header X-ResultFromCache
to true.
It’s important to note that you will be responsible for generating and keeping track of these keys.
The Idempotency Tokens feature is not available for GET requests.
This section contains documentation of all our public endpoints. Our home resource lists our endpoints as either stable, experimental or deprecated. In this documentation we’ll also flag endpoints that are either experimental and deprecated.
Please note that we might have endpoints listed on our home resource that we haven’t added documentation for yet.
Accounting Years
Accounting years define time spans for when your financial events take place. An accounting year can span anywhere from 6 to 18 months depending on when in your company life it is placed.
For more information please look at the Danish e-copedia article
GET /accounting-years
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required property
Filterable properties
fromDate, toDate, year
Sortable properties
fromDate, toDate, year
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Description |
closed | boolean | Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions. | |
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Except for the first accounting year on an agreement |
periods | string | uri | A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement. |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year item. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months. |
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency. |
vouchers | string | uri | A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year. |
year | string | The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY. |
POST /accounting-years
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
fromDate, toDate
Name | Type | Format | Description |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Except for the first accounting year on an agreement |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Description |
closed | boolean | If true this indicates that the accounting year is closed for further transactions. | |
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Except for the first accounting year on an agreement |
periods | string | uri | A link to the collection of accounting year periods in the accounting year. |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year item. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the accounting year in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months. |
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency. |
vouchers | string | uri | A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year. This requires that international ledger is enabled. |
year | string | The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/entries
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, costType.self, customer.self, departmentalDistribution.self, paymentDetails.paymentType.self, project.self, self, supplier.self, supplier.supplierGroup.self, vatAccount.self
Filterable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, project.projectNumber, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierGroup.supplierGroupNumber, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Sortable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
account | object | The account the entry is connected to. | |||||
account |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the account. | ||||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||||
amount | number | The total entry amount. | |||||
amountInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency. | |||||
bookedInvoice | object | A refernce to any booked Invoice this entry might be related to. | |||||
bookedInvoice |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the booked invoice. | ||||
bookedInvoice |
string | uri | A unique reference to the booked invoice resource. | ||||
costType | object | The cost type for this entity. | |||||
costType |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The unique identifier of cost type. | |||
costType |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry. | |||||
customer | object | The customer for this entity. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The unique identifier of customer. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
departmentalDistribution | object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | |||||
departmentalDistribution |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | ||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
entryNumber | integer | The unique identifier of the entry line. | |||||
entryType | Enum | customerInvoice |
The type of entry. | ||||
invoiceNumber | string | Unique identifier for reminders and invoices. | |||||
paymentDetails | object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
paymentDetails |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | |||||
paymentDetails |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | ||||
paymentDetails |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
quantity1 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
quantity2 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
remainder | number | The remainder on the entry. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | The remainder in base currency on the entry. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the entry resource. | ||||
supplier | object | The supplier for this entity. | |||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the supplier. | ||||
supplier |
object | The supplier group for this supplier. | |||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the supplier group. | ||||
supplier |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier group number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||
supplier |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||
supplierInvoiceNumber | string | A unique identifier of the supplier invoice. | |||||
text | string | 255 | A short description about the entry. | ||||
unit1 | object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit1 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit1 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
unit2 | object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit2 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit2 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
vatAccount | object | The account for VAT. | |||||
vatAccount |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | ||||
vatAccount |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | ||||
voucherNumber | integer | The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/totals
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, self
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Description |
account | object | The account used. | |
account |
integer | The account number. | |
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). |
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the account accounting year totals resource. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). |
totalInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
accountingYear.self, self
Filterable properties
fromDate, periodNumber, toDate
Sortable properties
fromDate, periodNumber, toDate
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the period is part of. | |||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | ||
accountingYear |
string | 10 | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||
closed | boolean | If true this indicates that the accounting period is closed for further transactions. | |||
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period. | ||
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
periodNumber | integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the period. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the period item. | ||
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
accountingYear.self, self
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the period is part of. | |||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | ||
accountingYear |
string | 4 | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||
closed | boolean | If true this indicates that the accounting period is closed for further transactions. | |||
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period. | ||
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
periodNumber | integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the period. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the period item. | ||
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/entries
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, costType.self, customer.self, departmentalDistribution.self, paymentDetails.paymentType.self, project.self, self, supplier.self, vatAccount.self
Filterable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, project.projectNumber, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Sortable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
account | object | The account the entry is connected to. | |||||
account |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the account. | ||||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||||
amount | number | The total entry amount. | |||||
amountInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency. | |||||
bookedInvoice | object | A refernce to any booked Invoice this entry might be related to. | |||||
bookedInvoice |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the booked invoice. | ||||
bookedInvoice |
string | uri | A unique reference to the booked invoice resource. | ||||
costType | object | The cost type for this entity. | |||||
costType |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The unique identifier of cost type. | |||
costType |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry. | |||||
customer | object | The customer for this entity. | |||||
customer |
integer | The unique identifier of customer. | |||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
departmentalDistribution | object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | |||||
departmentalDistribution |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | ||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
entryNumber | integer | The unique identifier of the entry line. | |||||
entryType | Enum | customerInvoice |
The type of entry. | ||||
invoiceNumber | string | Unique identifier for reminders and invoices. | |||||
paymentDetails | object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
paymentDetails |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | |||||
paymentDetails |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | ||||
paymentDetails |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
quantity1 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
quantity2 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
remainder | number | The remainder on the entry. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | The remainder in base currency on the entry. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the entry resource. | ||||
supplier | object | The supplier for this entity. | |||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the supplier. | ||||
supplier |
integer | The unique identifier of supplier. | |||||
supplierInvoiceNumber | string | A unique identifier of the supplier invoice. | |||||
text | string | 255 | A short description about the entry. | ||||
unit1 | object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit1 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit1 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
unit2 | object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit2 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit2 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
vatAccount | object | The account for VAT. | |||||
vatAccount |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | ||||
vatAccount |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | ||||
voucherNumber | integer | The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to. |
GET /accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/:accountingYearPeriod/totals
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, self
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Description |
account | object | A reference to the account totaled. | |
account |
integer | The account number. | |
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). |
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the totals resource. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). |
totalInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year period. |
Accounts are the records in the general ledger where companies record the monetary transactions
GET /accounts
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
accountsSummed.fromAccount.self, accountsSummed.toAccount.self, contraAccount.self, self, totalFromAccount.self, vatAccount.self
Filterable properties
accountNumber, accountType, balance, barred, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name
Sortable properties
accountNumber, accountType, balance, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name
Default sorting
accountNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Values | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A link to a list of accounting years for which the account is usable. | ||
accountNumber | integer | The account’s number. | |||
accountsSummed | array | An array of the account intervals used for calculating the total for this account. | |||
accountsSummed |
object | The first account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
integer | Account number of the first account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
string | uri | The unique self link of the first account in the interval. | ||
accountsSummed |
object | The last account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
integer | Account number of the last account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
string | uri | The unique self link of the last account in the interval. | ||
accountType | Enum | profitAndLoss |
The type of account in the chart of accounts. | ||
balance | number | The current balanace of the account. | |||
barred | boolean | Shows if the account is barred from being used. | |||
blockDirectEntries | boolean | Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries. | |||
contraAccount | object | The default contra account of the account. | |||
contraAccount |
integer | Account number of the contra account. | |||
contraAccount |
string | uri | The unique self link of the contra account. | ||
debitCredit | Enum | debit |
Describes the default update type of the account. | ||
draftBalance | number | The current balance of the account including draft (not yet booked) entries. | |||
name | string | 125 | The name of the account. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||
totalFromAccount | object | The account from which the sum total for this account is calculated. | |||
totalFromAccount |
integer | Account number of the first account. | |||
totalFromAccount |
string | uri | The unique self link of the first account. | ||
vatAccount | object | ||||
vatAccount |
string | uri | The unique self link of the VAT code. | ||
vatAccount |
string | 5 | The VAT code of the VAT account for this account. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
accountsSummed.fromAccount.self, accountsSummed.toAccount.self, contraAccount.self, self, totalFromAccount.self, vatAccount.self
Filterable properties
accountNumber, accountType, balance, barred, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name
Sortable properties
accountNumber, accountType, balance, blockDirectEntries, debitCredit, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Values | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A link to a list of accounting years for which the account is usable. | ||
accountNumber | integer | The account’s number. | |||
accountsSummed | array | An array of the account intervals used for calculating the total for this account. | |||
accountsSummed |
object | The first account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
integer | Account number of the first account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
string | uri | The unique self link of the first account in the interval. | ||
accountsSummed |
object | The last account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
integer | Account number of the last account in the interval. | |||
accountsSummed |
string | uri | The unique self link of the last account in the interval. | ||
accountType | Enum | profitAndLoss |
The type of account in the chart of accounts. | ||
balance | number | The current balanace of the account. | |||
barred | boolean | Shows if the account is barred from being used. | |||
blockDirectEntries | boolean | Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries. | |||
contraAccount | object | The default contra account of the account. | |||
contraAccount |
integer | Account number of the contra account. | |||
contraAccount |
string | uri | The unique self link of the contra account. | ||
debitCredit | Enum | debit |
Describes the default update type of the account. | ||
draftBalance | number | The current balance of the account including draft (not yet booked) entries. | |||
name | string | 125 | The name of the account. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||
totalFromAccount | object | The account from which the sum total for this account is calculated. | |||
totalFromAccount |
integer | Account number of the first account. | |||
totalFromAccount |
string | uri | The unique self link of the first account. | ||
vatAccount | object | ||||
vatAccount |
string | uri | The unique self link of the VAT code. | ||
vatAccount |
string | 5 | The VAT code of the VAT account for this account. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required property
Filterable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate, year
Sortable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate, year
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Description |
closed | boolean | Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions. | |
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the accounting year formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). Except for the first accounting year on an agreement |
periods | string | uri | A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement. |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year item. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the accounting year formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months. |
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency. |
vouchers | string | uri | A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year. |
year | string | The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Filterable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate, year
Sortable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate, year
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Description |
closed | boolean | Determines if the accounting year is closed for further transactions. | |
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the accounting year. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). Except for the first accounting year on an agreement |
periods | string | uri | A link to the collection of accounting year periods on an agreement. |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year item. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). It must be the last date in the last month of the accounting year. An accounting year can at most have a duration of 18 months. |
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the years total in base currency. |
vouchers | string | uri | A link to a collection of vouchers created in the accounting year. |
year | string | The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/entries
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, costType.self, customer.self, departmentalDistribution.self, paymentDetails.paymentType.self, project.self, self, supplier.self, vatAccount.self
Filterable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Sortable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
account | object | The account the entry is connected to. | |||||
account |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the account. | ||||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||||
amount | number | The total entry amount. | |||||
amountInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency. | |||||
bookedInvoice | object | A refernce to any booked Invoice this entry might be related to. | |||||
bookedInvoice |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the booked invoice. | ||||
bookedInvoice |
string | uri | A unique reference to the booked invoice resource. | ||||
costType | object | The cost type for this entity. | |||||
costType |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The unique identifier of cost type. | |||
costType |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry. | |||||
customer | object | The customer for this entity. | |||||
customer |
integer | The unique identifier of customer. | |||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
departmentalDistribution | object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | |||||
departmentalDistribution |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | ||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
entryNumber | integer | The unique identifier of the entry line. | |||||
entryType | Enum | customerInvoice |
The type of entry. | ||||
invoiceNumber | integer | Unique identifier for reminders and invoices. | |||||
paymentDetails | object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
paymentDetails |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | |||||
paymentDetails |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | ||||
paymentDetails |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
quantity1 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
quantity2 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
remainder | number | The remainder on the entry. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | The remainder in base currency on the entry. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the entry resource. | ||||
supplier | object | The supplier for this entity. | |||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the supplier. | ||||
supplier |
integer | The unique identifier of supplier. | |||||
supplierInvoiceNumber | string | A unique identifier of the supplier invoice. | |||||
text | string | 255 | A short description about the entry. | ||||
unit1 | object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit1 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit1 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
unit2 | object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit2 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit2 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
vatAccount | object | The account for VAT. | |||||
vatAccount |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | ||||
vatAccount |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | ||||
voucherNumber | integer | The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/totals
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
account.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Description |
account | object | The account used. | |
account |
integer | The account number. | |
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the resource. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). |
totalInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
accountingYear.self, self
Filterable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate
Sortable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the period is part of. | |||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | ||
accountingYear |
string | 4 | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||
closed | boolean | Determines if the period is closed for further transactions. | |||
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period. | ||
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
periodNumber | integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the period. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the period item. | ||
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formated according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/accountingYearPeriod
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
accountingYear.self, self
Filterable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate
Sortable properties
closed, fromDate, toDate
Default sorting
fromDate : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the period is part of. | |||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | ||
accountingYear |
string | 4 | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||
closed | boolean | Determines if the period is closed for further transactions. | |||
entries | string | uri | A link to a collection of all entries booked in the period. | ||
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
periodNumber | integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the period. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the period item. | ||
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||
totals | string | uri | A link to the chart of accounts with the periods total in base currency. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/accountingYearPeriod/entries
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, costType.self, customer.self, departmentalDistribution.self, paymentDetails.paymentType.self, project.self, self, supplier.self, vatAccount.self
Filterable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Sortable properties
amount, amountInBaseCurrency, costType.costTypeNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, dueDate, entryNumber, entryType, quantity1, quantity2, remainder, remainderInBaseCurrency, supplier.supplierNumber, supplierInvoiceNumber, text, unit1.unitNumber, unit2.unitNumber, voucherNumber
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
account | object | The account the entry is connected to. | |||||
account |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the account. | ||||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||||
amount | number | The total entry amount. | |||||
amountInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency. | |||||
bookedInvoice | object | A refernce to any booked Invoice this entry might be related to. | |||||
bookedInvoice |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the booked invoice. | ||||
bookedInvoice |
string | uri | A unique reference to the booked invoice resource. | ||||
costType | object | The cost type for this entity. | |||||
costType |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The unique identifier of cost type. | |||
costType |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the entry. | |||||
customer | object | The customer for this entity. | |||||
customer |
integer | The unique identifier of customer. | |||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Entry issue date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
departmentalDistribution | object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | |||||
departmentalDistribution |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | ||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
entryNumber | integer | The unique identifier of the entry line. | |||||
entryType | Enum | customerInvoice |
The type of entry. | ||||
invoiceNumber | string | Unique identifier for reminders and invoices. | |||||
paymentDetails | object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
paymentDetails |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | |||||
paymentDetails |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | ||||
paymentDetails |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
quantity1 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
quantity2 | number | Requires dimension module. | |||||
remainder | number | The remainder on the entry. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | The remainder in base currency on the entry. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the entry resource. | ||||
supplier | object | The supplier for this entity. | |||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the supplier. | ||||
supplier |
integer | The unique identifier of supplier. | |||||
supplierInvoiceNumber | string | A unique identifier of the supplier invoice. | |||||
text | string | 255 | A short description about the entry. | ||||
unit1 | object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit1 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit1 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
unit2 | object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | |||||
unit2 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||||
unit2 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||||
vatAccount | object | The account for VAT. | |||||
vatAccount |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | ||||
vatAccount |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | ||||
voucherNumber | integer | The identifier of the voucher this entry belongs to. |
GET /accounts/:accountNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear/periods/accountingYearPeriod/totals
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
account.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Description |
account | object | The account used. | |
account |
integer | The account number. | |
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. |
fromDate | string | full-date | The first date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the resource. |
toDate | string | full-date | The last date in the period formatted according to ISO-8601(YYYY-MM-DD). |
totalInBaseCurrency | number | The total entry amount in base currency for the accounting year period. |
App Roles
GET /app-roles
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
requiredModules.self, self
Filterable properties
Sortable properties
Default sorting
roleNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Values | Description |
name | string | SuperUser |
API Role name. | ||
requiredModules | array | An array containing the required modules. | |||
requiredModules |
integer | 1 | A reference number for the module. | ||
requiredModules |
string | uri | A unique reference to the module resource. | ||
roleNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the app role. | ||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the app role collection. |
GET /app-roles/:roleNumber
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Filterable properties
Sortable properties
Default sorting
roleNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Values | Description |
name | string | SuperUser |
API Role name. | ||
requiredModules | array | An array containing the required modules. | |||
requiredModules |
integer | 1 | A reference number for the module. | ||
requiredModules |
string | uri | A unique reference to the module resource. | ||
roleNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the app role. |
App Settings
This endpoint allows you to save a set of custom settings specific to your app. The settings will only be exposed for your app and are not visible for anybody else. Settings can be specific to the authenticated user or to the agreement as a whole. You can only save 200 settings per user and 200 per agreement.
The settings are a key-value set where the key is a string and the setting has to be a valid json document.
GET /app-settings
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Description |
agreement | string | uri | A reference to the agreements app settings collection. |
user | string | uri | A reference to the user’s app settings collection. |
GET /app-settings/agreement
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
content, self, settingKey
Name | Type | Format | Description |
content | object | The setting payload. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the app setting item. |
settingKey | string | A unique key. |
GET /app-settings/agreement/:settingId
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
content, self, settingKey
Name | Type | Format | Description |
content | object | The setting payload. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the app setting item. |
settingKey | string | A unique key. |
PUT /app-settings/agreement/:settingId
var headers = {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
var setting = {
"settingKey": "123",
"content": {
"v": "Alibaba"
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#input').text(JSON.stringify(setting, null, 4));
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: headers,
data: JSON.stringify(setting),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
type: "PUT"
}).always(function (data) {
$('#output').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
content, settingKey
Name | Type | Format | Description |
content | object | The setting payload. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the setting item. |
settingKey | string | A unique key. |
DELETE /app-settings/agreement/:settingId
This endpoint deletes an app setting from the agreements app settings.
GET /app-settings/user
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
content, self, settingKey
Name | Type | Format | Description |
content | object | The setting payload. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the app setting item. |
settingKey | string | A unique key. |
GET /app-settings/user/:settingId
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
content, self, settingKey
Name | Type | Format | Description |
content | object | The setting payload. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the app setting item. |
settingKey | string | A unique key. |
PUT /app-settings/user/:settingId
var headers = {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
var setting = {
"settingKey": "123",
"content": {
"v": "Alibaba"
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#input').text(JSON.stringify(setting, null, 4));
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: headers,
data: JSON.stringify(setting),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
type: "PUT"
}).always(function (data) {
$('#output').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
content, settingKey
Name | Type | Format | Description |
content | object | The setting payload. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the setting item. |
settingKey | string | A unique key. |
DELETE /app-settings/user/:settingId
This endpoint deletes an app setting from the users app settings.
GET /currencies
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
code | string | 3 | The ISO 4217 code of the currency. | |
isoNumber | string | 3 | The ISO 4217 numeric code of the currency. | |
name | string | 50 | The name of the currency. | |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the currency resource. |
GET /currencies/:code
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
code | string | 3 | The ISO 4217 code of the currency. | |
isoNumber | string | 3 | The ISO 4217 numeric code of the currency. | |
name | string | 50 | The name of the currency. | |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the currency resource. |
Customer Groups
GET /customer-groups
This endpoint allows you to fetch a collection of all customer groups.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, layout.self, self
Filterable properties
account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name
Sortable properties
account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Values | Description |
account | object | The account used by the accruals. | |||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting years for this account. | ||
account |
integer | The account number. | |||
account |
Enum | profitAndLoss |
The type of account in the chart of accounts. | ||
account |
number | The current balance of the account. | |||
account |
boolean | Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries. | |||
account |
Enum | debit |
Describes the default update type of the account. | ||
account |
string | 125 | The name of the account. | ||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||
customerGroupNumber | integer | The customer group number. | |||
customers | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customers belonging to this customer group. | ||
layout | object | The default layout used by the customer group. | |||
layout |
boolean | If true this indicates that the layout is deleted and can’t be used anymore. | |||
layout |
integer | The layout number. | |||
layout |
string | 100 | The name of the layout. | ||
layout |
string | uri | A unique reference to the layout resource. | ||
name | string | 50 | The name of the customer group. | ||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer group. |
GET /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber
This endpoint allows you to fetch a specific customer group.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
account.self, layout.self, self
Filterable properties
account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name
Sortable properties
account.accountNumber, account.accountType, account.balance, account.blockDirectEntries, account.debitCredit,, customerGroupNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Values | Description |
account | object | The account used by the accruals. | |||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting years for this account. | ||
account |
integer | The account number. | |||
account |
Enum | profitAndLoss |
The type of account in the chart of accounts. | ||
account |
number | The current balance of the account. | |||
account |
boolean | Determines if the account can be manually updated with entries. | |||
account |
Enum | debit |
Describes the default update type of the account. | ||
account |
string | 125 | The name of the account. | ||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||
customerGroupNumber | integer | The customer group number. | |||
customers | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customers belonging to this customer group. | ||
layout | object | The default layout used by the customer group. | |||
layout |
boolean | If true this indicates that the layout is deleted and can’t be used anymore. | |||
layout |
integer | The layout number. | |||
layout |
string | 100 | The name of the layout. | ||
layout |
string | uri | A unique reference to the layout resource. | ||
name | string | 50 | The name of the customer group. | ||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer group. |
GET /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber/customers
This endpoint allows you to fetch a collection of all customers in a specific customer group.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
attention.self, currency, customerContact.self, customerGroup, customerGroup.self, layout.self, name, paymentTerms, paymentTerms.self, salesPerson.self, self, vatZone, vatZone.self
Filterable properties
address, balance, city, corporateIdentificationNumber, country, creditLimit, currency, customerNumber, ean, email, mobilePhone, name, publicEntryNumber, telephoneAndFaxNumber, vatNumber, website, zip
Sortable properties
address, balance, city, corporateIdentificationNumber, country, creditLimit, currency, customerNumber, ean, email, mobilePhone, name, publicEntryNumber, telephoneAndFaxNumber, vatNumber, website, zip
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Min length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 510 | Address for the customer including street and number. | |||||
attention | object | The customer’s person of attention. | ||||||
attention |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
attention |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer employee item. | |||||
balance | number | True | The outstanding amount for this customer. | |||||
barred | boolean | Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing. | ||||||
city | string | 50 | The customer’s city. | |||||
corporateIdentificationNumber | string | 40 | Company Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
country | string | 50 | The customer’s country. | |||||
creditLimit | number | A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in e-conomic. | ||||||
currency | string | 3 | 3 | Default payment currency. | ||||
customerContact | object | Reference to main contact employee at customer. | ||||||
customerContact |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||||
customerContact |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contact item. | |||||
customerGroup | object | In order to set up a new customer |
customerGroup |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer group. | ||||||
customerGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer group item. | |||||
customerNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
ean | string | 13 | European Article Number. EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector. | |||||
string | 255 | Customer e-mail address where e-conomic invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field |
layout | object | Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
mobilePhone | string | 50 | The customer’s mobile phone number. | |||||
name | string | 255 | 1 | The customer name. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The default payment terms for the customer. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | The unique identifier of the payment terms. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment terms item. | |||||
pNumber | string | 10 | 10 | Extension of corporate identification number (CVR). Identifying separate production unit (p-nummer). | ||||
publicEntryNumber | string | 50 | The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing |
salesPerson | object | Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer. | ||||||
salesPerson |
integer | The unique identifier of the employee. | ||||||
salesPerson |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee resource. | |||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer resource. | |||||
telephoneAndFaxNumber | string | 255 | The customer’s telephone and/or fax number. | |||||
vatNumber | string | 20 | The customer’s value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden |
vatZone | object | Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically |
vatZone |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item. | |||||
vatZone |
integer | The unique identifier of the VAT-zone. | ||||||
website | string | 255 | Customer website |
zip | string | 30 | The customer’s postcode. |
POST /customer-groups
This endpoint allows you to create a new customer group.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
account.accountNumber, customerGroupNumber
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
account | object | The account used by the accruals. | |||
account |
integer | 1 | The account number. | ||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||
customerGroupNumber | integer | 1 | The customer group number. | ||
layout | object | The default layout used by the customer group. | |||
layout |
integer | The layout number. | |||
layout |
string | uri | A unique reference to the layout resource. | ||
name | string | 50 | The name of the customer group. |
PUT /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber
This endpoint allows you to update an existing customer group.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Description |
account | object | The account used by the accruals. | |||
account |
integer | The account number. | |||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | ||
customerGroupNumber | integer | True | The customer group number. | ||
layout | object | The default layout used by the customer group. | |||
layout |
integer | The layout number. | |||
layout |
string | uri | A unique reference to the layout resource. | ||
name | string | 50 | The name of the customer group. |
DELETE /customer-groups/:customerGroupNumber
This endpoint allows you to delete an existing customer group. It will return HttpStatusCode.NoContent (204) on success.
For more information please look at the Danish e-copedia article
GET /customers
This endpoint provides you with a collection of customers.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
attention.self, currency, customerContact.self, customerGroup, customerGroup.self, defaultDeliveryLocation.self, invoices.self, layout.self, name, paymentTerms, paymentTerms.self, salesPerson.self, self, templates.self, totals.self, vatZone, vatZone.self
Filterable properties
address, balance, barred, city, corporateIdentificationNumber, country, creditLimit, currency, customerGroup.customerGroupNumber, customerNumber, ean, email, lastUpdated, mobilePhone, name, publicEntryNumber, telephoneAndFaxNumber, vatNumber, website, zip
Sortable properties
address, balance, city, corporateIdentificationNumber, country, creditLimit, currency, customerNumber, ean, email, lastUpdated, mobilePhone, name, publicEntryNumber, telephoneAndFaxNumber, vatNumber, website, zip
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Min length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 510 | Address for the customer including street and number. | |||||
attention | object | The customer’s person of attention. | ||||||
attention |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
attention |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer employee item. | |||||
balance | number | True | The outstanding amount for this customer. | |||||
barred | boolean | Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing. | ||||||
city | string | 50 | The customer’s city. | |||||
contacts | string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contacts items. | |||||
corporateIdentificationNumber | string | 40 | Corporate Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
country | string | 50 | The customer’s country. | |||||
creditLimit | number | A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in e-conomic. | ||||||
currency | string | 3 | 3 | Default payment currency. | ||||
customerContact | object | Reference to main contact employee at customer. | ||||||
customerContact |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||||
customerContact |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contact item. | |||||
customerGroup | object | Reference to the customer group this customer is attached to. | ||||||
customerGroup |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer group. | ||||||
customerGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer group item. | |||||
customerNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
defaultDeliveryLocation | object | Customers default delivery location. | ||||||
defaultDeliveryLocation |
integer | The unique identifier of the delivery location. | ||||||
defaultDeliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocations | string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer delivery locations items. | |||||
dueAmount | number | True | Due amount that the customer needs to pay. | |||||
ean | string | 13 | European Article Number. EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector. | |||||
eInvoicingDisabledByDefault | boolean | False | Boolean indication of whether the default sending method should be email instead of e-invoice. This property is updatable only by using PATCH to /customers/:customerNumber | |||||
string | 255 | Customer e-mail address where e-conomic invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field |
invoices | object | |||||||
invoices |
string | uri | The unique reference to the booked invoices for this customer. | |||||
invoices |
string | uri | The unique reference to the draft invoices for this customer. | |||||
invoices |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the invoices resource for this customer. | |||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | The date this customer was last updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
mobilePhone | string | 50 | The customer’s mobile phone number. | |||||
name | string | 255 | 1 | The customer name. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The default payment terms for the customer. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | The unique identifier of the payment terms. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment terms item. | |||||
pNumber | string | 10 | 10 | Extension of corporate identification number (CVR). Identifying separate production unit (p-nummer). | ||||
publicEntryNumber | string | 50 | The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing |
salesPerson | object | Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer. | ||||||
salesPerson |
integer | The unique identifier of the employee. | ||||||
salesPerson |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee resource. | |||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer resource. | |||||
telephoneAndFaxNumber | string | 255 | The customer’s telephone and/or fax number. | |||||
templates | object | |||||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the invoice template. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the invoiceLine template. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the templates resource. | |||||
totals | object | |||||||
totals |
string | uri | The unique reference to the booked invoice totals for this customer. | |||||
totals |
string | uri | The unique reference to the draft invoice totals for this customer. | |||||
totals |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the totals resource for this customer. | |||||
vatNumber | string | 20 | The customer’s value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden |
vatZone | object | Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically |
vatZone |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item. | |||||
vatZone |
integer | The unique identifier of the VAT-zone. | ||||||
website | string | 255 | Customer website |
zip | string | 30 | The customer’s postcode. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber
Returns a specific customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
attention.self, currency, customerContact.self, customerGroup, customerGroup.self, defaultDeliveryLocation.self, invoices.self, layout.self, name, paymentTerms, paymentTerms.self, salesPerson.self, self, templates.self, totals.self, vatZone, vatZone.self
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Min length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 510 | Address for the customer including street and number. | |||||
attention | object | The customer’s person of attention. | ||||||
attention |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
attention |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer employee item. | |||||
balance | number | True | The outstanding amount for this customer. | |||||
barred | boolean | Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing. | ||||||
city | string | 50 | The customer’s city. | |||||
contacts | string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contacts items. | |||||
corporateIdentificationNumber | string | 40 | Corporate Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
country | string | 50 | The customer’s country. | |||||
creditLimit | number | A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in e-conomic. | ||||||
currency | string | 3 | 3 | Default payment currency. | ||||
customerContact | object | Reference to main contact employee at customer. | ||||||
customerContact |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||||
customerContact |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contact item. | |||||
customerGroup | object | Reference to the customer group this customer is attached to. | ||||||
customerGroup |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer group. | ||||||
customerGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer group item. | |||||
customerNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
defaultDeliveryLocation | object | Customer’s default delivery location. | ||||||
defaultDeliveryLocation |
integer | The unique identifier of the delivery location. | ||||||
defaultDeliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocations | string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer delivery locations items. | |||||
dueAmount | number | True | Due amount that the customer needs to pay. | |||||
ean | string | 13 | European Article Number. EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector. | |||||
eInvoicingDisabledByDefault | boolean | False | Boolean indication of whether the default sending method should be email instead of e-invoice. This property is updatable only by using PATCH to /customers/:customerNumber | |||||
string | 255 | Customer e-mail address where e-conomic invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field |
invoices | object | |||||||
invoices |
string | uri | The unique reference to the booked invoices for this customer. | |||||
invoices |
string | uri | The unique reference to the draft invoices for this customer. | |||||
invoices |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the invoices resource for this customer. | |||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | The date this customer was last updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
mobilePhone | string | 50 | The customer’s mobile phone number. | |||||
name | string | 255 | 1 | The customer name. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The default payment terms for the customer. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | The unique identifier of the payment terms. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment terms item. | |||||
pNumber | string | 10 | 10 | Extension of corporate identification number (CVR). Identifying separate production unit (p-nummer). | ||||
publicEntryNumber | string | 50 | The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing |
salesPerson | object | Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer. | ||||||
salesPerson |
integer | The unique identifier of the employee. | ||||||
salesPerson |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee resource. | |||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer resource. | |||||
telephoneAndFaxNumber | string | 255 | The customer’s telephone and/or fax number. | |||||
templates | object | Templates available for the given customer | ||||||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the invoice template for the given customer. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the invoice line template for the given customer. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer template item. | |||||
totals | object | Templates available for the given customer | ||||||
totals |
string | uri | The unique reference to the booked invoice totals for this customer. | |||||
totals |
string | uri | The unique reference to the draft invoice totals for this customer. | |||||
totals |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the totals resource for this customer. | |||||
vatNumber | string | 20 | The customer’s value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden |
vatZone | object | Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically |
vatZone |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item. | |||||
vatZone |
integer | The unique identifier of the VAT-zone. | ||||||
website | string | 255 | Customer website |
zip | string | 30 | The customer’s postcode. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/totals
Returns a specific customer totals.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
booked | string | uri | A reference of the customer booked invoices totals resource. |
drafts | string | uri | A reference of the customer draft invoices totals resource. |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer totals resource. |
POST /customers
This endpoint allows you to create a new customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
currency, customerGroup, name, paymentTerms, vatZone
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Min length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 510 | Address for the customer including street and number. | |||||
balance | number | True | The outstanding amount for this customer. | |||||
barred | boolean | Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing. | ||||||
city | string | 50 | The customer’s city. | |||||
corporateIdentificationNumber | string | 40 | Corporate Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
country | string | 50 | The customer’s country. | |||||
creditLimit | number | A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in e-conomic. | ||||||
currency | string | 3 | 3 | Default payment currency. | ||||
customerGroup | object | In order to set up a new customer |
customerGroup |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer group. | ||||||
customerGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer group item. | |||||
customerNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. If no customer number is specified a number will be supplied by the system. | ||||
ean | string | 13 | European Article Number. EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector. | |||||
eInvoicingDisabledByDefault | boolean | False | Boolean indication of whether the default sending method should be email instead of e-invoice. This property is updatable only by using PATCH to /customers/:customerNumber | |||||
string | 255 | Customer e-mail address where e-conomic invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field |
layout | object | Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
mobilePhone | string | 50 | The customer’s mobile phone number. | |||||
name | string | 255 | 1 | The customer name. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The default payment terms for the customer. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | The unique identifier of the payment terms. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment terms item. | |||||
pNumber | string | 10 | 10 | Extension of corporate identification number (CVR). Identifying separate production unit (p-nummer). | ||||
priceGroup | ||||||||
publicEntryNumber | string | 50 | The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing |
salesPerson | object | Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer. | ||||||
salesPerson |
integer | The unique identifier of the employee. | ||||||
salesPerson |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee resource. | |||||
telephoneAndFaxNumber | string | 255 | The customer’s telephone and/or fax number. | |||||
vatNumber | string | 20 | The customer’s value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden |
vatZone | object | Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically |
vatZone |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item. | |||||
vatZone |
integer | The unique identifier of the VAT-zone. | ||||||
website | string | 255 | Customer website |
zip | string | 30 | The customer’s postcode. |
PUT /customers/:customerNumber
This endpoint allows you to update an existing customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
currency, customerGroup, name, paymentTerms, vatZone
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Min length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 510 | Address for the customer including street and number. | |||||
attention | object | The customer’s person of attention. | ||||||
attention |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
attention |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer employee item. | |||||
balance | number | True | The outstanding amount for this customer. | |||||
barred | boolean | Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing. | ||||||
city | string | 50 | The customer’s city. | |||||
corporateIdentificationNumber | string | 40 | Corporate Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
country | string | 50 | The customer’s country. | |||||
creditLimit | number | A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in e-conomic. | ||||||
currency | string | 3 | 3 | Default payment currency. | ||||
customerContact | object | Reference to main contact employee at customer. | ||||||
customerContact |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||||
customerContact |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contact item. | |||||
customerGroup | object | In order to update a customer |
customerGroup |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer group. | ||||||
customerGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer group item. | |||||
customerNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
defaultDeliveryLocation | object | Customer’s default delivery location. | ||||||
defaultDeliveryLocation |
integer | The unique identifier of the delivery location. | ||||||
defaultDeliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the delivery location. | |||||
ean | string | 13 | European Article Number. EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector. | |||||
eInvoicingDisabledByDefault | boolean | False | Boolean indication of whether the default sending method should be email instead of e-invoice. This property is updatable only by using PATCH to /customers/:customerNumber | |||||
string | 255 | Customer e-mail address where e-conomic invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field |
layout | object | Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
mobilePhone | string | 50 | The customer’s mobile phone number. | |||||
name | string | 255 | 1 | The customer name. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The default payment terms for the customer. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | The unique identifier of the payment terms. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment terms item. | |||||
pNumber | string | 10 | 10 | Extension of corporate identification number (CVR). Identifying separate production unit (p-nummer). | ||||
priceGroup | ||||||||
publicEntryNumber | string | 50 | The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing |
salesPerson | object | Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer. | ||||||
salesPerson |
integer | The unique identifier of the employee. | ||||||
salesPerson |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee resource. | |||||
telephoneAndFaxNumber | string | 255 | The customer’s telephone and/or fax number. | |||||
vatNumber | string | 20 | The customer’s value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden |
vatZone | object | Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically |
vatZone |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item. | |||||
vatZone |
integer | The unique identifier of the VAT-zone. | ||||||
website | string | 255 | Customer website |
zip | string | 30 | The customer’s postcode. |
PATCH /customers/:customerNumber
This endpoint allows you to update eInvoicingDisabledByDefault
property on an existing customer.
"op": "replace",
"path": "/eInvoicingDisabledByDefault",
"value": true
"op": "replace",
"path": "/eInvoicingDisabledByDefault",
"value": false
DELETE /customers/:customerNumber
This endpoint allows you to delete a customer. This delete operation will return a HttpStatusCode.NoContent (204) on success.
GET /customers/:customerNumber/templates/
Returns the templates available for customers. Templates are used to simplify the creation of resources that can otherwise be complex to build. An example of this is an Invoice.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
invoice | string | uri | The GET link to a draft invoice template. |
invoiceline | string | uri | The GET link to a draft invoice line template. |
self | string | uri | The self reference of the customer templates. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/templates/invoice
Returns a draft invoice template based on the customer. This can be modified and posted to /invoices/drafts
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, paymentTerms.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. This represents the trading currency. | ||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | |||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||
recipient |
string | 13 | The ‘European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/templates/invoiceline
This returns a collection of draft invoice lines, one for each product, with the corresponding link to the full draft invoice line template.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
product.self, self
Filterable properties
description, product.productNumber
Sortable properties
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
description | string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |
product | object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | ||
product |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |
product |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the draft invoice line template resource. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/templates/invoiceline/:productNumber
This returns the invoice line template for the specified product. This template can be used to easily create an invoice line on an existing draft invoice. Please note that this method accepts an additional parameter - ‘quantity’, in the query string, which defines the quantity on the template. This parameter can be used to ensure the correct discount level for a given customer, when using discount levels in the inventory module.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
product.self, self, unit.self
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
description | string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | ||
discountPercentage | number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | |||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the invoice line in base currency. | |||
marginPercentage | number | The margin on the invoice line expressed as a percentage. | |||
product | object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | |||
product |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | ||
product |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | ||
quantity | number | The number of units of goods on the invoice line. By default value is set to 1 |
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the draft invoice line template resource. | ||
unit | object | The unit of measure applied to the invoice line. | |||
unit |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||
unit |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||
unitCostPrice | number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the invoice currency. | |||
unitNetPrice | number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the invoice line in the invoice currency. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/contacts
This endpoint provides you with a collection of customer contacts.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, self
Filterable properties
customer.customerNumber, customerContactNumber, eInvoiceId, email, name, phone, sortKey
Sortable properties
customer.customerNumber, customerContactNumber, eInvoiceId, email, name, phone, sortKey
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
customer | object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
customerContactNumber | integer | Unique numerical identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
deleted | boolean | Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted. | |||||
eInvoiceId | string | 50 | Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. Note this is not available on UK agreements. | ||||
string | 255 | Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent. | |||||
emailNotifications | array | invoices |
This array specifies what events the contact person should recieve email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. | ||||
name | string | 255 | Customer contact name. | ||||
notes | string | 2000 | Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. | ||||
phone | string | 50 | Customer contact phone number. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer contact resource. | ||||
sortKey | integer | 1 | The customer contact number displayed in the e-conomic web interface. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/contacts/:contactNumber
This endpoint provides you with a specific customer contacts.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, self
Filterable properties
Sortable properties
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
customer | object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
customerContactNumber | number | Unique numerical identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
deleted | boolean | Flag indicating if the contact person is deleted. | |||||
eInvoiceId | string | 50 | Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. Note this is not available on UK agreements. | ||||
string | 255 | Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent. | |||||
emailNotifications | array | invoices |
This array specifies what events the contact person should recieve email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. | ||||
name | string | 255 | Customer contact name. | ||||
notes | string | 2000 | Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. | ||||
phone | string | 50 | Customer contact phone number. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer contact resource. | ||||
sortKey | integer | 1 | Sort key shows a per agreement index in the UI. |
POST /customers/:customerNumber/contacts
This endpoint allows you to create a new customer contact.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
customer | object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
eInvoiceId | string | 50 | Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. Note this is not available on UK agreements. | ||||
string | 255 | Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent. | |||||
emailNotifications | array | invoices |
This array specifies what events the contact person should recieve email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. | ||||
name | string | 255 | Customer contact name. | ||||
notes | string | 2000 | Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. | ||||
phone | string | 50 | Customer contact phone number. |
PUT /customers/:customerNumber/contacts/:contactNumber
This endpoint allows you to update an existing customer contact.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customerContactNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
customer | object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
customerContactNumber | integer | Customer contact number. | |||||
eInvoiceId | string | 50 | Electronic invoicing Id. This will appear on EAN invoices in the field cbc:ID. | ||||
string | 255 | Customer contact e-mail address. This is where copies of sales documents are sent. | |||||
emailNotifications | array | invoices |
This array specifies what events the contact person should recieve email notifications on. Note that limited plans only have access to invoice notifications. | ||||
name | string | 255 | Customer contact name. | ||||
notes | string | 2000 | Any notes you need to keep on a contact person. | ||||
phone | string | 50 | Customer contact phone number. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer contact. |
DELETE /customers/:customerNumber/contacts/:contactNumber
This endpoint allows you to delete a customer contact. An HttpStatusCode.NoContent (204) is returned on success.
GET /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations
This endpoint provides you with a collection of delivery locations for the customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, self
Filterable properties
address, barred, city, country, deliveryLocationNumber, postalCode, sortKey
Sortable properties
address, city, country, deliveryLocationNumber, postalCode, sortKey
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 255 | Address for the delivery location including street and number. | |||
barred | boolean | Indicates if the delivery location is barred from usage. Default is false. | ||||
city | string | 50 | The delivery location city. | |||
country | string | 50 | The delivery location country. | |||
customer | object | The customer this delivery location belongs to. | ||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||
deliveryLocationNumber | integer | 1 | The delivery location number is a unique numerical identifier. | |||
postalCode | string | 15 | The delivery location postcode. | |||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the delivery location resource. | |||
sortKey | integer | 1 | The delivery location number displayed in the e-conomic web interface. | |||
termsOfDelivery | string | 100 | Special delivery terms that apply to. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations/:deliveryLocationNumber
This endpoint provides you with a specific delivery location for the customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, self
Filterable properties
address, barred, city, country, customer.customerNumber, deliveryLocationNumber, postalCode, sortKey
Sortable properties
address, city, country, customer.customerNumber, deliveryLocationNumber, postalCode, sortKey
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 255 | Address for the delivery location including street and number. | |||
barred | boolean | Indicates if the delivery location is barred from usage. Default is false. | ||||
city | string | 50 | The delivery location city. | |||
country | string | 50 | The delivery location country. | |||
customer | object | The customer this delivery location belongs to. | ||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||
deliveryLocationNumber | integer | 1 | The delivery location number is a unique numerical identifier. | |||
postalCode | string | 15 | The delivery location postcode. | |||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the delivery location resource. | |||
sortKey | integer | 1 | The delivery location number displayed in the e-conomic web interface. | |||
termsOfDelivery | string | 100 | Special delivery terms that apply to. |
POST /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations
This endpoint allows you to create a new delivery location for the customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Filterable properties
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 255 | Address for the delivery location including street and number. | ||||
barred | boolean | Indicates if the delivery location is barred from usage. Default is false. | |||||
city | string | 50 | The delivery location city. | ||||
country | string | 50 | The delivery location country. | ||||
customer | object | The customer this delivery location belongs to. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. This value will be picked up from the url. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
deliveryLocationNumber | integer | True | 1 | The delivery location number is a unique numerical identifier. This identifier will be created for you. | |||
postalCode | string | 15 | The delivery location postcode. | ||||
sortKey | integer | 1 | The delivery location number displayed in the e-conomic web interface. If not supplied this key will be created for you. | ||||
termsOfDelivery | string | 100 | Special delivery terms that apply to. |
PUT /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations/:deliveryLocationNumber
This endpoint allows you to update an existing delivery location on the customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Filterable properties
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 255 | Address for the delivery location including street and number. | ||||
barred | boolean | Indicates if the delivery location is barred from usage. Default is false. | |||||
city | string | 50 | The delivery location city. | ||||
country | string | 50 | The delivery location country. | ||||
customer | object | The customer this delivery location belongs to. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. This value will be picked up from the url. | |||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
deliveryLocationNumber | integer | True | 1 | The delivery location number is a unique numerical identifier. | |||
postalCode | string | 15 | The delivery location postcode. | ||||
sortKey | integer | 1 | The delivery location number displayed in the e-conomic web interface. If not supplied this key will be created for you. | ||||
termsOfDelivery | string | 100 | Special delivery terms that apply to. |
DELETE /customers/:customerNumber/delivery-locations/:deliveryLocationNumber
This endpoint allows you to delete an existing delivery location on the customer. An HttpStatusCode.NoContent (204) is returned on success.
GET /customers/:customerNumber/invoices
Links to invoices for a specific customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
booked | string | uri | The GET link to booked invoices for a specific customer. |
drafts | string | uri | The GET link to draft invoices for a specific customer. |
self | string | uri | The self reference of the customer invoices resource. |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/invoices/drafts
This endpoint provides you with a collection of draft invoices for the customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, paymentTerms.self,, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.bookingInstructions, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Default sorting
draftInvoiceNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the invoice in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
draftInvoiceNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the draft invoice document. This is not the final invoice number. The final invoice number can’t be determined until the invoice is booked. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | |||||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the invoice and the sales net invoice amount in base currency. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net invoice amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References to a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the specific draft invoice. | |||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this draft invoice. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/booked to book the invoice draft. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the draft invoice templates resource. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /customers/:customerNumber/invoices/booked
This endpoint provides you with a collection of booked invoices for the customer.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, paymentTerms.self,, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | |||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | |||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | |||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
Departmental Distributions
Departmental Distributions is used to define the relevant department or distribution on applicable entities. This endpoint serves as the unified approach to distribution whether it be one department or many that the sum will be distributed to.
GET /departmental-distributions
This endpoint allows you to fetch a collection of all departmental distributions.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
distributions.department.self, self
Filterable properties
departmentalDistributionNumber, name
Sortable properties
departmentalDistributionNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
departmentalDistributionNumber | integer | A unique numeric identifier for the departmental distribution. | |||||
distributions | array | A list of departments and their share of the distribution in percentage. The percentages always add up to 100%. | |||||
distributions |
object | A reference to the department. | |||||
distributions |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the department. | ||||
distributions |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the department. | ||||
distributions |
number | 100 | 0 | The percentage distributed to this department. | |||
distributionType | string | distribution |
This property indicates whether the distribution is system generated from a departmentor if it is one created by a user. In order to make it easy to distribute everything to one department |
name | string | 250 | A descriptive name of the specific departmental distribution. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the departmental distribution. | ||||
subCollections | object | Links to the sub collections that make up this collection. |
GET /departmental-distributions/departments
This endpoint allows you to fetch a collection of all departmental distributions that distribute the entire sum to a single department.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
distributions.department.self, self
Filterable properties
departmentalDistributionNumber, name
Sortable properties
departmentalDistributionNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
barred | boolean | Property indicating whether the departmental distribution is barred from being used. | |||||
departmentalDistributionNumber | integer | A unique numeric identifier for the departmental distribution. | |||||
distributions | array | A list of departments and their share of the distribution in percentage. The percentages always add up to 100%. | |||||
distributions |
object | A reference to the department. | |||||
distributions |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the department. | ||||
distributions |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the department. | ||||
distributions |
number | 100 | 0 | The percentage distributed to this department. | |||
distributionType | string | distribution |
This property indicates whether the distribution is system generated from a departmentor if it is one created by a user. In order to make it easy to distribute everything to one department |
name | string | 250 | A descriptive name of the departmental distribution. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the departmental distribution. | ||||
subCollections | object | Links to the sub collections that make up this collection. |
GET /departmental-distributions/departments/:departmentalDistributionNumber
This endpoint allows you to fetch a specific departmental distribution that distributes the entire sum to a single department.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
distributions.department.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
barred | boolean | Property indicating whether the departmental distribution is barred from being used. | |||||
departmentalDistributionNumber | integer | A unique numeric identifier for the departmental distribution. | |||||
distributions | array | A list of departments and their share of the distribution in percentage. The percentages always add up to 100%. | |||||
distributions |
object | A reference to the department. | |||||
distributions |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the department. | ||||
distributions |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the department. | ||||
distributions |
number | 100 | 0 | The percentage distributed to this department. | |||
distributionType | string | distribution |
This property indicates whether the distribution is system generated from a departmentor if it is one created by a user. In order to make it easy to distribute everything to one department |
name | string | 250 | A descriptive name of the departmental distribution. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the departmental distribution. |
GET /departmental-distributions/distributions
This endpoint allows you to fetch a collection of all departmental distributions that distribute the sum across multiple departments.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
distributions.department.self, self
Filterable properties
departmentalDistributionNumber, name
Sortable properties
departmentalDistributionNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
barred | boolean | Property indicating whether the departmental distribution is barred from being used. | |||||
departmentalDistributionNumber | integer | A unique numeric identifier for the departmental distribution. | |||||
distributions | array | A list of departments and their share of the distribution in percentage. The percentages must add up to 100%. | |||||
distributions |
object | A reference to the department. | |||||
distributions |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the department. | ||||
distributions |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the department. | ||||
distributions |
number | 100 | 0 | The percentage distributed to this department. | |||
distributionType | string | distribution |
This property indicates whether the distribution is system generated from a departmentor if it is one created by a user. In order to make it easy to distribute everything to one department |
name | string | 250 | A descriptive name of the departmental distribution. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the departmental distribution. | ||||
subCollections | object | Links to the sub collections that make up this collection. |
GET /departmental-distributions/distributions/:departmentalDistributionNumber
This endpoint allows you to fetch specific departmental distribution that distributes the sum across multiple departments.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
distributions.department.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
barred | boolean | Property indicating whether the departmental distribution is barred from being used. | |||||
departmentalDistributionNumber | integer | A unique numeric identifier for the departmental distribution. | |||||
distributions | array | A list of departments and their share of the distribution in percentage. The percentages must add up to 100%. | |||||
distributions |
object | A reference to the department. | |||||
distributions |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the department. | ||||
distributions |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the department. | ||||
distributions |
number | 100 | 0 | The percentage distributed to this department. | |||
distributionType | string | distribution |
This property indicates whether the distribution is system generated from a departmentor if it is one created by a user. In order to make it easy to distribute everything to one department |
name | string | 250 | A descriptive name of the departmental distribution. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the departmental distribution. |
Departments provides a list of available departments. To assign departments to applicable entities please see Departmental Distributions (/departmental-distributions).
GET /departments
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
departmentNumber, name, self
Filterable properties
barred, departmentNumber, name
Sortable properties
departmentNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
barred | boolean | Indicates if the department is barred from usage. Default is false. | ||
departmentNumber | integer | A unique identifier of the department. | ||
name | string | 250 | The name of the department. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the department item. |
GET /departments/:departmentNumber
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
barred | boolean | Indicates if the department is barred from usage. Default is null which also means false. | ||
departmentNumber | integer | A unique identifier of the department. | ||
name | string | 250 | The name of the department. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the department item. |
Echo is an endpoint that allows you to test the HTTP verbs and status responses of the e-conomic REST API.
To test a specific status code use the parameter ‘statuscode=x’. E.g. GET ‘/echo?statuscode=404’.
GET /returnHttp500
GET /echo
POST /echo
PUT /echo
PATCH /echo
DELETE /echo
GET /employees
This endpoint provides you with a collection of employees.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
employeeGroup.self, self
Filterable properties
barred, email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone
Sortable properties
email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
barred | boolean | Shows if the employee is barred from being used. | |||
bookedInvoices | string | uri | A link to the collection of booked invoices which has the employee as a reference. | ||
customers | string | uri | A link to the collection of customers which has the employee as a reference. | ||
draftInvoices | string | uri | A link to the collection of draft invoices which has the employee as a reference. | ||
string | 250 | The email address of the employee | |||
employeeGroup | object | The group to which the employee belongs. | |||
employeeGroup |
integer | 1 | The unique identifier of the employee group. | ||
employeeGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee group item. | ||
employeeNumber | integer | 1 | The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||
name | string | 250 | The name of the employee | ||
phone | string | 250 | The phone number of the employee | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. |
GET /employees/:employeeId
Returns a specific employee.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
employeeGroup.self, self
Filterable properties
barred, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone
Sortable properties
email, employeeGroup.employeeGroupNumber, employeeNumber, name, phone
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
barred | boolean | Shows if the employee is barred from being used. | |||
bookedInvoices | string | uri | A link to the collection of booked invoices which has the employee as a reference. | ||
customers | string | uri | A link to the collection of customers which has the employee as a reference. | ||
draftInvoices | string | uri | A link to the collection of draft invoices which has the employee as a reference. | ||
string | 250 | The email address of the employee | |||
employeeGroup | object | The group to which the employee belongs. | |||
employeeGroup |
integer | 1 | The unique identifier of the employee group. | ||
employeeGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee group item. | ||
employeeNumber | integer | 1 | The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||
name | string | 250 | The name of the employee | ||
phone | string | 250 | The phone number of the employee | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. |
GET /employees/:employeeId/customers
This endpoint provides you with a collection of customers for the employee.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
attention.self, currency, customerContact.self, customerGroup, customerGroup.self, invoices.self, layout.self, name, paymentTerms, paymentTerms.self, salesPerson.self, self, templates.self, totals.self, vatZone, vatZone.self
Filterable properties
address, balance, city, corporateIdentificationNumber, country, creditLimit, currency, customerGroup.customerGroupNumber, customerNumber, ean, email, lastUpdated, mobilePhone, name, publicEntryNumber, telephoneAndFaxNumber, vatNumber, website, zip
Sortable properties
address, balance, city, corporateIdentificationNumber, country, creditLimit, currency, customerNumber, ean, email, lastUpdated, mobilePhone, name, publicEntryNumber, telephoneAndFaxNumber, vatNumber, website, zip
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Min length | Max value | Min value | Description |
address | string | 510 | Address for the customer including street and number. | |||||
attention | object | The customer’s person of attention. | ||||||
attention |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
attention |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer employee item. | |||||
balance | number | True | The outstanding amount for this customer. | |||||
barred | boolean | Boolean indication of whether the customer is barred from invoicing. | ||||||
city | string | 50 | The customer’s city. | |||||
contacts | string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contacts items. | |||||
corporateIdentificationNumber | string | 40 | Corporate Identification Number. For example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
country | string | 50 | The customer’s country. | |||||
creditLimit | number | A maximum credit for this customer. Once the maximum is reached or passed in connection with an order/quotation/invoice for this customer you see a warning in e-conomic. | ||||||
currency | string | 3 | 3 | Default payment currency. | ||||
customerContact | object | Reference to main contact employee at customer. | ||||||
customerContact |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||||
customerContact |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer contact item. | |||||
customerGroup | object | Reference to the customer group this customer is attached to. | ||||||
customerGroup |
integer | The unique identifier of the customer group. | ||||||
customerGroup |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer group item. | |||||
customerNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
deliveryLocations | string | uri | A unique link reference to the customer delivery locations items. | |||||
ean | string | 13 | European Article Number. EAN is used for invoicing the Danish public sector. | |||||
string | 255 | Customer e-mail address where e-conomic invoices should be emailed. Note: you can specify multiple email addresses in this field |
invoices | object | |||||||
invoices |
string | uri | The unique reference to the booked invoices for this customer. | |||||
invoices |
string | uri | The unique reference to the draft invoices for this customer. | |||||
invoices |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the invoices resource for this customer. | |||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | The date this customer was last updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
mobilePhone | string | 50 | The customer’s mobile phone number. | |||||
name | string | 255 | 1 | The customer name. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The default payment terms for the customer. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | The unique identifier of the payment terms. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment terms item. | |||||
pNumber | string | 10 | 10 | Extension of corporate identification number (CVR). Identifying separate production unit (p-nummer). | ||||
publicEntryNumber | string | 50 | The public entry number is used for electronic invoicing |
salesPerson | object | Reference to the employee responsible for contact with this customer. | ||||||
salesPerson |
integer | The unique identifier of the employee. | ||||||
salesPerson |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee resource. | |||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer resource. | |||||
telephoneAndFaxNumber | string | 255 | The customer’s telephone and/or fax number. | |||||
templates | object | |||||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the invoice template. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the invoiceLine template. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the templates resource. | |||||
totals | object | |||||||
totals |
string | uri | The unique reference to the booked invoice totals for this customer. | |||||
totals |
string | uri | The unique reference to the draft invoice totals for this customer. | |||||
totals |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the totals resource for this customer. | |||||
vatNumber | string | 20 | The customer’s value added tax identification number. This field is only available to agreements in Sweden |
vatZone | object | Indicates in which VAT-zone the customer is located (e.g.: domestically |
vatZone |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the VAT-zone item. | |||||
vatZone |
integer | The unique identifier of the VAT-zone. | ||||||
website | string | 255 | Customer website |
zip | string | 30 | The customer’s postcode. |
The draft invoices endpoint is where you go to read and create invoices that haven’t been booked yet. While an invoice is still a draft invoice you can edit everything. Once you book the invoice you can no longer edit it.
For more information please look at the Danish e-copedia article
GET /invoices
This is the root for the invoice endpoint. From here you can navigate to draft and booked invoices, but also to a number of convenience endpoints such as ‘paid’ and ‘overdue’.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
booked | string | uri | A reference to all booked invoices. |
drafts | string | uri | A reference to all unbooked invoices. |
notDue | string | uri | A reference to all not due invoices. Not due invoices are invoices where due date still hasn’t been surpassed. This includes invoices that are due today. |
overdue | string | uri | A reference to all overdue invoices. Overdue invoices are unpaid invoices where due date has been surpassed. |
paid | string | uri | A reference to all paid invoices. Paid invoices are invoices that has no remaining unpaid amount. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoice resource. |
sent | string | uri | A reference to all sent invoices. |
totals | string | uri | A reference to the totals of all invoices. |
unpaid | string | uri | A reference to all unpaid invoices. unpaid invoices are invoices that has a remaining unpaid amount |
GET /invoices/drafts
This endpoint provides you with a collection of draft invoices. A draft invoice is an invoice that has not yet been booked. Think of it as a work-in-progress invoice that is not yet ready to be sent to a customer.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.bookingInstructions, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, lastUpdated, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Default sorting
draftInvoiceNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the invoice in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
draftInvoiceNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the draft invoice document. This is not the final invoice number. The final invoice number can’t be determined until the invoice is booked. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | True | The last time the invoice was updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | ||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the invoice and the sales net invoice amount in base currency. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net invoice amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References to a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | |||||
project | object | The project the invoice is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the specific draft invoice. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP invoice handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP invoice handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP invoice handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this draft invoice. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/booked to book the invoice draft. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the draft invoice templates resource. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber
This endpoint provides you with the entire document for a specific draft invoice.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, lines.departmentalDistribution.self, lines.product.self, lines.unit.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.customerContactNumber, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.bookingInstructions, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, lastUpdated, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
attachment | string | uri | A unique reference to the attachment file on the given draft invoice. | |||||
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the invoice in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
draftInvoiceNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the draft invoice document. This is not the final invoice number. The final invoice number can’t be determined until the invoice is booked. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | True | The last time the invoice was updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | ||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for draft invoices and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific invoice lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | Accrual is used to allocate costs and/or revenues over several periods. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |||||
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The line number is a unique number within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the invoice line in base currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The margin on the invoice line expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
number | The total net amount on the draft invoice line in the draft invoice currency. | ||||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 100 | The name of the unit (e.g. ‘kg’ for weight or ‘l’ for volume). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the invoice currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the invoice line in the invoice currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the invoice and the sales net invoice amount in base currency. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net invoice amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this draft invoice. | |||||
project | object | The project the invoice is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the draft invoice. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP invoice handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP invoice handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP invoice handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this draft invoice. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/booked to book the invoice draft. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the draft invoice templates resource. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/pdf
This endpoint provides you with a PDF representation for a specific draft invoice.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
POST /invoices/drafts
POST'ing to …/drafts allows you to create a new draft invoice. The method doesn’t also book it, but simply creates the draft.
var headers = {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
var invoice = {
"date": "2014-08-08",
"currency": "DKK",
"exchangeRate": 10.25,
"netAmount": 10.00,
"netAmountInBaseCurrency": 0.00,
"grossAmount": 12.50,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0,
"vatAmount": 2.50,
"roundingAmount": 0.00,
"costPriceInBaseCurrency": 46.93,
"paymentTerms": {
"paymentTermsNumber": 1,
"daysOfCredit": 14,
"name": "Lobende maned 14 dage",
"paymentTermsType": "invoiceMonth"
"customer": {
"customerNumber": 1
"recipient": {
"name": "Toj & Co Grossisten",
"address": "Vejlevej 21",
"zip": "7000",
"city": "Fredericia",
"vatZone": {
"name": "Domestic",
"vatZoneNumber": 1,
"enabledForCustomer": true,
"enabledForSupplier": true
"delivery": {
"address": "Hovedvejen 1",
"zip": "2300",
"city": "Kbh S",
"country": "Denmark",
"deliveryDate": "2014-09-14"
"references": {
"other": "aaaa"
"layout": {
"layoutNumber": 5
"lines": [
"lineNumber": 1,
"sortKey": 1,
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 2,
"name": "Tim"
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
"lineNumber": 1,
"sortKey": 1,
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 1,
"name": "stk."
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
"lineNumber": 1,
"sortKey": 1,
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 4
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#input').text(JSON.stringify(invoice, null, 4));
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: headers,
data: JSON.stringify(invoice),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
type: "POST"
}).always(function (data) {
$('#output').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
currency, customer, date, layout, paymentTerms, recipient,, recipient.vatZone
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
currency | string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | 999999999999 | The desired exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. If no exchange rate is supplied |
grossAmount | number | True | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | True | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
layout | object | The layout used by the invoice. | ||||||
layout |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the layout. | |||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique reference to the layout resource. | |||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific invoice lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | The accrual for the invoice. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Must be within an existing accounting year. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. Please note |
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | The line number is a unique number within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the invoice line in base currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The margin on the invoice line expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 1 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the invoice currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the invoice line in the invoice currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | True | The difference between the cost price of the items on the invoice and the sales net invoice amount in base currency. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
marginPercentage | number | True | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net invoice amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | |||||
netAmount | number | True | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | True | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | True | net |
The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this draft invoice. | |||||
project | object | The project the invoice is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | The phone number the invoice was sent to (if applicable). | ||||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The primary sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | True | The total rounding error |
vatAmount | number | True | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
PUT /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber
When updating a draft invoice please be aware that altering a reference does not update previously fetched associated data. E.g. pointing to another customerNumber does not update customer name, address etc. If you want to have all values dependent on the customer to change as well you need to get the full customer object first and update every property. You could also consider taking advantage of templates.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
recipient, recipient.vatZone
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, draftInvoiceNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | True | The total cost of the items on the invoice in the base currency of the agreement. | |||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
draftInvoiceNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the draft invoice document. This is not the final invoice number. The final invoice number can’t be determined until the invoice is booked. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | 999999999999 | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | |||||
grossAmount | number | True | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | True | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific invoice lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | The accrual for the invoice. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Must be within an existing accounting year. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |||||
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The line number is a unique number within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
number | True | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the invoice line in base currency. | |||||
lines |
number | True | The margin on the invoice line expressed as a percentage. | |||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 100 | The name of the unit (e.g. ‘kg’ for weight or ‘l’ for volume). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the invoice currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the invoice line in the invoice currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | True | The difference between the cost price of the items on the invoice and the sales net invoice amount in base currency. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
marginPercentage | number | True | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net invoice amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | |||||
netAmount | number | True | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | True | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | True | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | True | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | True | net |
The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this draft invoice. | |||||
project | object | The project the invoice is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recepient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | True | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the draft invoice. | |||||
vatAmount | number | True | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
DELETE /invoices/drafts/
Deletes all draft invoices. This endpoint supports filters.
The delete operation will return a status message that looks as follows.
{ "message": "Deleted 4 invoices.", "deletedCount": 4, "deletedItems": [ { "draftInvoiceNumber": 1, "self": "" }, { "draftInvoiceNumber": 2, "self": "" }, { "draftInvoiceNumber": 3, "self": "" }, { "draftInvoiceNumber": 4, "self": "" } ] }
DELETE /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber
Deletes a draft invoice. The delete operation will return a status message that looks as follows if successful.
{ "message": "Deleted invoice.", "deletedCount": 1, "deletedItems": [ { "draftInvoiceNumber": 1, "self": "" } ] }
POST /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/lines
This endpoint can be used to add new lines to an existing invoice. It accepts the same model as POST invoices/drafts.
var headers = {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
var invoice = {
"lines": [
"lineNumber": 1,
"sortKey": 1,
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 2,
"name": "Tim"
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
"lineNumber": 1,
"sortKey": 1,
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 1,
"name": "stk."
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#input').text(JSON.stringify(invoice, null, 4));
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: headers,
data: JSON.stringify(invoice),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
type: "POST"
}).always(function (data) {
$('#output').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Min value | Description |
lines | array | An array containing the specific invoice lines. | |||
lines |
object | The accrual for the invoice. | |||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | ||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Must be within an existing accounting year. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | ||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | |||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | ||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | |||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | ||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. Please note |
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | |||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the invoice line in base currency. | |||
lines |
number | The margin on the invoice line expressed as a percentage. | |||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | |||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | ||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | ||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the invoice line. | |||
lines |
integer | 1 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the invoice. | ||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the invoice line. | |||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | ||
lines |
integer | 1 | The unique identifier of the unit. | ||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the invoice currency. | |||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the invoice line in the invoice currency. |
POST /invoices/booked/
Books a draft invoice. If the operation is successful, this returns the full booked invoice.
In order to book an invoice post a draftInvoice wrapped in an object as such:
{ "draftInvoice": { "draftInvoiceNumber": 2, "self": "" } }
var headers = {
'X-AppSecretToken': "YourAppSecretToken",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "YourAgreementGrantToken",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
var draftInvoiceBookRequest = {
"draftInvoice": {
"draftInvoiceNumber": 1
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#input').text(JSON.stringify(setting, null, 4));
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: headers,
data: JSON.stringify(draftInvoiceBookRequest),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
type: "POST"
}).always(function(data) {
$('#output').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Additionally, you can specify with which number the invoice is booked, by adding a “bookWithNumber” property:
{ "draftInvoice": { "draftInvoiceNumber": 2, "self": "" }, "bookWithNumber": 7 }
Lastly, you can specify if and how the invoice should be sent to the recipient, by adding a “sendBy” property. This property is an enum and can have the following values:
- none
- ean
If this property is omitted, it will default to not sending the invoice after booking it.
{ "draftInvoice": { "draftInvoiceNumber": 2, "self": "" }, "bookWithNumber": 7, "sendBy": "ean" }
The invoice will only be sent if the booking is successful. Once the invoice has been sent it can be found at /invoices/sent.
Send via email
Sending sales documents via email is not supported through API. To send an order or invoice via email, you must fetch the necessary data/PDF via the API and email either the file or a link to a self-hosted endpoint via own email solution.
You can send your invoices electronically via EAN (European Article Numbering) also known as NemHandel. This method of invoicing is required in order to bill public institutions in Denmark.
To send an invoice via EAN it must meet the following conditions:
- A valid CVR number must be defined in the agreement configuration
- A valid EAN number must exist on the customer
- Contact person on the customer must be provided
- Contact person on the invoice must be provided
- Company has to be a paying customer (non-demo)
- EAN invoices are only valid for the Danish agreements
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
bookWithNumber | integer | The number for the invoice to be booked with. Optional. | ||||
draftInvoice | object | The draft invoice you want to book. | ||||
draftInvoice |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the draft invoice document to be booked. | ||
draftInvoice |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the draft invoice to be booked. | |||
sentBy | string | none |
Optional. Sets whether invoice should be sent via e-invoicing when booking. |
PUT /invoices/booked/:bookWithNumber
An alternative to the POST methodology described above is to PUT. This is done the same way as for post, except you must specify the number for the invoice to be booked with in url. This number must match the number specified in the JSON body of your request, if specified.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Description |
bookWithNumber | integer | The number for the invoice to be booked with. Optional. | ||
draftInvoice | object | The draft invoice you want to book. | ||
draftInvoice |
integer | 1 | A reference number for the draft invoice document to be booked. | |
draftInvoice |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the draft invoice to be booked. |
GET /invoices/booked
This returns a collection of all booked invoices.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | |||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | |||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | |||||
sent | string | uri | A convenience link to see if the invoice has been sent or not. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/booked/:bookedInvoiceNumber
This returns a specific booked invoice.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, lines.departmentalDistribution.self, lines.product.self, lines.unit.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, lines.deliveryDate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, lines.deliveryDate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | |||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the invoice currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the invoice currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific invoice lines. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | Invoice delivery date. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this invoice line is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |||||
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The line number is a unique number within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the invoice. | |||||
lines |
number | The total invoice line amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the invoice line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 100 | The name of the unit (e.g. ‘kg’ for weight or ‘l’ for volume). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the invoice currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the invoice line in the invoice currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice line in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as total net amount | ||||||
lines |
number | The VAT rate in % used to calculate the vat amount on this line. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | |||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | ||||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | |||||
sent | string | uri | A convenience link to see if the invoice has been sent or not. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/booked/:bookedInvoiceNumber/pdf
This endpoint provides you with a PDF representation for a specific booked invoice.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
GET /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/templates
This returns links to the available templates for draft invoices.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
bookingInstructions | string | uri | A unique reference to the book request template resource. |
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the draft invoice template resource. |
GET /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/templates/booking-instructions
This endpoint returns a book request for a draft invoice which can then be posted to /invoices/booked
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
draftInvoice.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Description |
draftInvoice | object | The draft invoice which is to be booked. | |||
draftInvoice |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | A unique identifier of the draft invoice. | |
draftInvoice |
string | uri | A unique reference to the draft invoice resource. | ||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the draft invoice book request. |
GET /invoices/totals
Invoice totals endpoints return the total amount on all invoices.
For each type of invoice (draft, booked, paid, overdue etc) there are endpoints that filter the totals by customer, employee (our ref), accounting year or accounting period. We have only documented the filtered endpoints for draft invoices, but similar endpoints for the other types of invoices exist as well. You just need to replace the “drafts” in the URL with “booked” or “paid” etc.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
booked.paid.self, booked.self, booked.unpaid.notOverdue.self, booked.unpaid.overdue.self, booked.unpaid.self, drafts.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.lastFifteenDays.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.lastMonth.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.lastSevenDays.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.lastThirtyDays.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.lastWeek.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.lastYear.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.thisMonth.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.thisWeek.self, predefinedPeriodFilters.thisYear.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Description |
booked | object | The totals for booked invoices. | |
booked |
string | A short description about this object. | |
booked |
integer | The number of booked invoices. | |
booked |
number | The total invoice amount for all booked invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
booked |
object | The totals for booked and paid invoices. | |
booked |
string | A short description about this object. | |
booked |
integer | The number of booked and paid invoices. | |
booked |
number | The total invoice amount for all booked and paid invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
booked |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid resource. |
booked |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked resource. |
booked |
object | The totals for booked and unpaid invoices. | |
booked |
string | A short description about this object. | |
booked |
number | The gross total remaining to be paid on the booked unpaid invoices | |
booked |
integer | The number of booked and unpaid invoices. | |
booked |
number | The total invoice amount for all booked and unpaid invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
booked |
object | Totals for unpaid booked invoices where due date still hasn’t been surpassed. This includes invoices that are due today. | |
booked |
string | A short description about this object. | |
booked |
integer | The number of unpaid booked invoices where due date still hasn’t been surpassed. This includes invoices that are due today. | |
booked |
number | The total invoice amount for unpaid booked invoices where due date still hasn’t been surpassed. in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
booked |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue resource. |
booked |
object | Totals for unpaid booked invoices where due date has been surpassed. | |
booked |
string | A short description about this object. | |
booked |
number | The gross total remaining to be paid on the booked |
booked |
integer | The number of unpaid booked invoices where due date has been surpassed. | |
booked |
number | The total invoice amount for unpaid booked invoices where due date has been surpassed in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
booked |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue resource. |
booked |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid resource. |
drafts | object | The totals for draft invoices. | |
drafts |
string | A short description about this object. | |
drafts |
integer | The number of draft invoices. | |
drafts |
number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
drafts |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals draft resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters | object | The totals for draft invoices. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include the last fifteen days. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for the last 15 days resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include invoices from the last calendar month. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for the last month resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include the last 7 days days. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for the last 7 days resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include the last 30 days days. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for the last 30 days resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include invoices from the previous week |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for the last week resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include invoices from last calendar year. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for the last year resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include invoices from this calendar month. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for this calendar month resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include invoices from this week |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for this week resource. |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
object | Filter the totals to only include invoices from this calendar years. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | A short description about this object. | |
predefinedPeriodFilters |
string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals for this calendar year resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals accounting years resource. |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals customer resource. |
employees | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals employees resource. |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | |
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/customers
This returns the totals for draft invoices grouped by customers.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Description |
customers | array | A reference to the draft invoices totals customer resource. | |||
customers |
object | A reference to the customer. | |||
customers |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |
customers |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer resource. | ||
customers |
integer | The number of draft invoices. | |||
customers |
string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. | ||
customers |
string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. | ||
customers |
number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |||
customers |
string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals customer resource. | ||
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | |||
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. | ||
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. | ||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |||
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/customers/:customerNumber
This returns the totals for draft invoices for a single customer.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals accounting years resource. | ||
customer | object | A reference to the customer. | |||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |
customer |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the customer resource. | ||
employees | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals employees resource. | ||
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | |||
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. | ||
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. | ||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |||
periods | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals periods resource. | ||
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/customers/:customerNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear
This returns the totals for draft invoices for a single customer and acccounting year.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Filterable properties
Sortable properties
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYear | object | A specific accounting year on the agreement. | |
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year item. |
accountingYear |
string | The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY. | |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals customers resource. |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/customers/:customerNumber/periods/:accountingPeriod
This returns the totals for draft invoices for a single customer and acccounting period.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Description |
acccountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals accounting years resource. | |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals customers resource. | |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | ||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||
period | object | A specific period in the accounting year. | ||
period |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the period. | |
period |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year period. | |
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/employees
This returns the totals for draft invoices grouped by employees.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Filterable properties
Sortable properties
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Description |
employees | array | A reference to the draft invoices totals employees resource. | ||
employees |
object | A reference to the employee. | ||
employees |
integer | 1 | The employee number is a unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |
employees |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |
employees |
integer | The number of draft invoices. | ||
employees |
string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. | |
employees |
string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. | |
employees |
number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||
employees |
string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals employee resource. | |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | ||
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. | |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. | |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/employees/:employeeNumber
This returns the totals for draft invoices for a single employee.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals accounting years resource. | ||
customers | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals employees resource. | ||
employee | object | A reference to the employee. | |||
employee |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The employee number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |
employee |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the employee resource. | ||
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | |||
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any draft invoice. | ||
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any draft invoice. | ||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |||
periods | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals periods resource. | ||
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/employees/:employeeNumber/accounting-years/:accountingYear
This returns the totals for draft invoices for a single employee and acccounting year.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Filterable properties
Sortable properties
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYear | object | A specific accounting year on the agreement. | |
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year item. |
accountingYear |
string | The calendar year or years spanned by the accounting year in the format YYYY or YYYY/YYYY. | |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals customers resource. |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/drafts/employees/:employeeNumber/periods/:accountingPeriod
This returns the totals for draft invoices for a single employee and acccounting period.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Description |
acccountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals accounting years resource. | |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the draft invoices totals customers resource. | |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of draft invoices. | ||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all draft invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||
period | object | A specific period in the accounting year. | ||
period |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the period. | |
period |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the accounting year period. | |
self | string | uri | A reference to the current resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/booked
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked accounting years resource. |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked customer resource. |
employees | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked employees resource. |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of booked invoices. | |
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any booked invoice. |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any booked invoice. |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all booked invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
paid | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid resource. |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked resource. |
unpaid | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/booked/paid
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid accounting years resource. |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid customer resource. |
employees | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid employees resource. |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of paid booked invoices. | |
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any paid and booked invoice. |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any paid and booked invoice. |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all booked and paid invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked paid resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/booked/unpaid
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid accounting years resource. |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid customer resource. |
employees | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid employees resource. |
grossRemainderInBaseCurrency | number | The gross total remaining to be paid on the booked unpaid invoices. | |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of unpaid booked invoices. | |
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any unpaid and booked invoice. |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any unpaid and booked invoice. |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all booked and unpaid invoices in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |
notOverdue | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue resource. |
overdue | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue resource. |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/booked/unpaid/overdue
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue accounting years resource. |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue customer resource. |
employees | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue employees resource. |
grossRemainderInBaseCurrency | number | The gross total remaining to be paid on the booked unpaid overdue invoices | |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of booked |
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any booked |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any booked |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all booked |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid overdue resource. |
GET /invoices/totals/booked/unpaid/not-overdue
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingYears | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue accounting years resource. |
customers | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue customer resource. |
employees | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue employees resource. |
grossRemainderInBaseCurrency | number | The gross total remaining to be paid on the booked unpaid not overdue invoices. | |
invoiceCount | integer | The number of booked |
maxDate | string | full-date | The latest date of any booked |
minDate | string | full-date | The earliest date of any booked |
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount for all booked |
periods | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue periods resource. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the invoices totals booked unpaid not overdue resource. |
GET /invoices/paid
This returns a collection of all paid invoices.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, paymentTerms.self,, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | |||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | ||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | |||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | ||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | |||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | |||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | ||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 30 | The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | ||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | ||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | ||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | ||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | ||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | ||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | ||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | ||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | ||||
sent | string | uri | A convenience link to see if the invoice has been sent or not. | ||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/unpaid
This returns a collection of all unpaid invoices.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, paymentTerms.self,, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | |||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | ||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | |||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | ||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | |||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | |||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | ||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 30 | The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | ||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | ||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | ||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | ||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | ||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | ||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | ||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | ||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | ||||
sent | string | uri | A convenience link to see if the invoice has been sent or not. | ||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/overdue
This returns a collection of all overdue invoices.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, paymentTerms.self,, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | |||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | ||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | |||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | ||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | |||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | |||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | ||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 30 | The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | ||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | ||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | ||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | ||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | ||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | ||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | ||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | ||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | ||||
sent | string | uri | A convenience link to see if the invoice has been sent or not. | ||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/not-due
This returns a collection of all not due invoices.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, paymentTerms.self,, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Sortable properties
bookedInvoiceNumber, currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber, recipient.vatZone.vatZoneNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Description |
bookedInvoiceNumber | integer | 1 | A reference number for the booked invoice document. | ||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the invoice. | |||||
customer | object | The customer being invoiced. | |||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
date | string | full-date | Invoice issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | ||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the invoice. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | ||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | ||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | ||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the invoice | |||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | ||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the invoice is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | ||||
grossAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for this invoice. | |||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | |||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | ||||
netAmount | number | The total invoice amount in the invoice currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total invoice amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. For a credit note this amount will be negative. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the invoice. | |||||
notes |
string | 250 | The invoice heading. Usually displayed at the top of the invoice. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the invoice. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | ||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the invoice. This is usually displayed as a footer on the invoice. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the invoice. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the invoice. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | 30 | The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | ||||
object | References a pdf representation of this invoice. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this booked invoice. | ||||
project | object | A reference to any project this entry might be related to. This requires the projects module to be enabled. | |||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | ||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the invoice. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this invoice is addressed. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | ||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | ||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | ||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | ||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the invoice. | |||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | |||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | ||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | ||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the invoice. | ||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the invoice. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | ||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | ||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | ||||
remainderInBaseCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in base currency. | ||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice. | ||||
sent | string | uri | A convenience link to see if the invoice has been sent or not. | ||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the invoice in the invoice currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /invoices/sent
This endpoint provides you with a collection of all the invoices sent via e-invoicing.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
invoice.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Values | Description |
createdBy | string | The e-conomic user that booked and sent the invoice. | ||
creationDate | string | date | The date that the invoice was sent. | |
id | integer | The unique identifier | ||
invoice | object | A reference to the booked invoice that was sent. | ||
invoice |
integer | The number of the booked invoice. | ||
invoice |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice resource. | |
recipient | object | The recipient of the invoice. | ||
recipient |
string | The EAN number the invoice was sent to (if applicable). | ||
recipient |
string | The phone number the invoice was sent to (if applicable). | ||
recipient |
string | The name of the recipient (if applicable). | ||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the sent invoice resource. | |
sendBy | Enum | mobilePay |
The e-invoicing channel through which this invoice was sent. | |
status | string | The status of the sent invoice. |
GET /invoices/sent/:id
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
invoice.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Values | Description |
createdBy | string | The e-conomic user that booked and sent the invoice. | ||
creationDate | string | date | The date that the invoice was sent. | |
id | integer | The unique identifier | ||
invoice | object | A reference to the booked invoice that was sent. | ||
invoice |
integer | The number of the booked invoice. | ||
invoice |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the booked invoice resource. | |
recipient | object | The recipient of the invoice. | ||
recipient |
string | The EAN number the invoice was sent to (if applicable). | ||
recipient |
string | The phone number the invoice was sent to (if applicable). | ||
recipient |
string | The name of the recipient (if applicable). | ||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the sent invoice resource. | |
sendBy | Enum | mobilePay |
The e-invoicing channel through which this invoice was sent. | |
status | string | The status of the sent invoice. |
GET /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/attachment
Returns the reference to the attached file on a given draft invoice.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
GET /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/attachment/file
Returns the file attachment for the given draft invoice. File is always returned as .pdf.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
POST /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/attachment/file
Allows attaching a document to the draft invoice. Only valid PDF files are supported. Please note that for the file upload “application/json” is not a valid content-type. Upload of binary data requires the content-type header to be “multipart/form-data”. Some clients do not automatically set boundaries on the multipart/form-data and for these you will need to define “multipart/form-data; boundary= ;” where boundary defines the file part of the multipart stream. Returns status code 201 upon successful creation. Maximum file size is 9.0 MB per request.
var form = new FormData();
form.append("", "path/to/the/file.jpg");
var settings = {
"crossDomain": true,
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"x-appsecrettoken": "demo",
"x-agreementgranttoken": "demo",
"cache-control": "no-cache"
"processData": false,
"mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
"data": form
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
DELETE /invoices/drafts/:draftInvoiceNumber/attachment/file
Removes the entire attached document that is associated with the given draft invoice. Returns status code 204 upon successful deletion. Operation is not idempotent, which means that on the consecutive calls it will be returning status code 404.
Journals contain your draft transactions, that can be modified until the journal is booked or the drafts are deleted. Journals are known as Kassekladder in Danish.
For more information please look at the Danish e-copedia article
GET /journals
This is the root endpoint for the journals endpoint. It provides you with an overview of available journals on the agreement. It also includes convenience links to a few templates that allow you to create entries in the journal with ease.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
self, settings.contraAccounts.customerPayments.self, settings.contraAccounts.financeVouchers.self, settings.contraAccounts.supplierPayments.self, templates.self
Filterable properties
journalNumber, name
Sortable properties
journalNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
entries | string | uri | A link to the collection of entries in the given journal |
journalNumber | integer | Unique journal number | ||||
metaData | object | Information about possible actions |
name | string | The name of the journal | ||||
pagination | object | Information about the pagination. | ||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the jounrnals collection. | |||
settings | object | Settings of the journal. | ||||
settings |
object | Default contra account for given entry type | ||||
settings |
object | Default contra account for the customer payment | ||||
settings |
integer | Account number used for registering customer payment entry type | ||||
settings |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the account resource. | |||
settings |
object | Default contra account for the finance voucher | ||||
settings |
integer | Account number used for registering finance voucher entry type | ||||
settings |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the account resource. | |||
settings |
object | Default contra account for the supplier payment | ||||
settings |
integer | Account number used for registering supplier payment entry type | ||||
settings |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the account resource. | |||
settings |
Enum | financeVoucher |
Allowed entry type on given journal. | |||
settings |
object | Settings connected with voucher numbering. | ||||
settings |
integer | 999999999 | Maximum voucher number defined in settings. | |||
settings |
integer | 0 | Minimum voucher number defined in settings. | |||
templates | object | Templates allowing easy entry creation. | ||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template | |||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the manual customer invoice template | |||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the templates resource. | |||
vouchers | string | uri | A link to the collection of vouchers on the given journal |
GET /journals/:journalNumber
This endpoint provides you the information regarding a specific journal and the settings associated with it. From here you can navigate to the entries endpoint - which will return the entire collection of entries across all types in the journal, or to the vouchers endpoint which will return entries grouped by the voucher number set on the entry. The journal also includes convenience links to relevant templates that allow you to create entries in the journal with ease.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
self, settings.contraAccounts.customerPayments.self, settings.contraAccounts.financeVouchers.self, settings.contraAccounts.supplierPayments.self, templates.self
Filterable properties
journalNumber, name
Sortable properties
journalNumber, name
Name | Type | Format | Min value | Values | Description |
entries | string | uri | A link to the collection of entries on the given journal |
journalNumber | integer | Unique journal number | |||
name | string | The name of the journal | |||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the jounrnals collection. | ||
settings | object | Settings of the journal. | |||
settings |
object | Default contra account for given entry type | |||
settings |
Default contra account for the customer payment | ||||
settings |
integer | Account number used for registering customer payment entry type | |||
settings |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the account resource. | ||
settings |
Default contra account for the finance voucher | ||||
settings |
integer | Account number used for registering finance voucher entry type | |||
settings |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the account resource. | ||
settings |
Default contra account for the supplier payment | ||||
settings |
integer | Account number used for registering supplier payment entry type | |||
settings |
string | uri | The unique self reference of the account resource. | ||
settings |
Enum | financeVoucher |
Allowed entry type on given journal. | ||
settings |
object | Settings connected with voucher numbering. | |||
settings |
integer | 999999999 | Maximum voucher number defined in settings. | ||
settings |
integer | 0 | Minimum voucher number defined in settings. | ||
templates | object | Templates allowing easy entry creation. | |||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template | ||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the manual customer invoice template | ||
templates |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the templates resource. | ||
vouchers | string | uri | A link to the collection of vouchers on the given journal |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers
This endpoint returns a collection of vouchers containing entries as assigned by the voucher number.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
accountingYear.self, entries.customerPayments.contraAccount.self, entries.customerPayments.contraVatAccount.self, entries.customerPayments.currency.self, entries.customerPayments.customer.self, entries.customerPayments.employee.self, entries.customerPayments.journal.self, entries.customerPayments.voucher.self, entries.financeVouchers.account.self, entries.financeVouchers.contraAccount.self, entries.financeVouchers.contraVatAccount.self, entries.financeVouchers.currency.self, entries.financeVouchers.employee.self, entries.financeVouchers.journal.self, entries.financeVouchers.project.self, entries.financeVouchers.vatAccount.self, entries.financeVouchers.voucher.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.contraAccount.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.contraVatAccount.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.currency.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.customer.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.employee.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.journal.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.voucher.self, entries.supplierInvoices.contraAccount.self, entries.supplierInvoices.contraVatAccount.self, entries.supplierInvoices.currency.self, entries.supplierInvoices.employee.self, entries.supplierInvoices.journal.self, entries.supplierInvoices.paymentDetails.paymentType.self, entries.supplierInvoices.project.self, entries.supplierInvoices.supplier.self, entries.supplierInvoices.voucher.self, entries.supplierPayments.contraAccount.self, entries.supplierPayments.contraVatAccount.self, entries.supplierPayments.currency.self, entries.supplierPayments.employee.self, entries.supplierPayments.journal.self, entries.supplierPayments.supplier.self, entries.supplierPayments.voucher.self, journal.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the voucher belongs to. Together with the voucherNumber it is a unique identifier for the voucher. | ||||||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | |||||
accountingYear |
string | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||||||
entries | object | Entries |
entries |
array | An array containing customer payments. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | customerPayment | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to customerPayment. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used by the entry. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
entries |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | financeVoucher | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to financeVoucher. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry. Used if the entry has a VAT account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | manualCustomerInvoice | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to manualCustomerInvoice. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
entries |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | supplierInvoice | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to supplierInvoice. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
entries |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | |||||
entries |
object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
object | The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique self reference of the supplier. | |||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | supplierPayment | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to supplierPayment. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
object | The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique self reference of the supplier. | |||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal | object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
journal |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the voucher collection. | |||||
voucherNumber | number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. Together with the accountingYear it is a unique identifier for the voucher. |
POST /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers
var settings = {
"crossDomain": true,
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"x-appsecrettoken": "demo",
"x-agreementgranttoken": "demo",
"content-type": "application/json",
"data": {
'accountingYear': {
'year': '2017'
'journal': {
'journalNumber': 1,
'self': ''
'entries': {
'supplierInvoices': [{
'supplier': {
'supplierNumber': 3,
'self': ''
'amount': 100,
'account': {
'accountNumber': 1010,
'self': ''
'contraAccount': {
'accountNumber': 5820,
'self': ''
'currency': {
'code': 'DKK',
'self': ''
'date': '2017-05-03',
'type': 'supplierInvoice',
'self': ''
'supplierPayments': [{
'supplier': {
'supplierNumber': 3,
'self': ''
'supplierInvoiceNumber': '123',
'text': 'TEST',
'amount': 100,
'account': {
'accountNumber': 1010,
'self': ''
'contraAccount': {
'accountNumber': 5820,
'self': ''
'currency': {
'code': 'DKK',
'self': ''
'date': '2017-05-03',
'type': 'supplierPayment',
'self': ''
'customerPayments': [{
'customer': {
'customerNumber': 2,
'self': ''
'text': 'Test this invoice',
'amount': 100,
'account': {
'accountNumber': 1010,
'self': ''
'contraAccount': {
'accountNumber': 5820,
'self': ''
'currency': {
'code': 'DKK',
'self': ''
'date': '2017-05-03',
'type': 'customerPayment',
'self': ''
'manualCustomerInvoices': [{
'customer': {
'customerNumber': 2,
'self': ''
'customerInvoiceNumber': '123',
'text': 'Test this invoice',
'amount': 100,
'account': {
'accountNumber': 1010,
'self': ''
'contraAccount': {
'accountNumber': 5820,
'self': ''
'currency': {
'code': 'DKK',
'self': ''
'date': '2017-05-03',
'type': 'customerPayment',
'self': ''
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
This endpoint enables creation of vouchers and thereby entries on the journal, regardless of the type. Bulk creation is supported. Endpoint returns a single object or an array of objects based on input parameter.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
accountingYear, entries.customerPayments.amount,, entries.financeVouchers.amount,, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.amount,, entries.supplierInvoices.amount,, entries.supplierPayments.amount,
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the voucher belongs to. Together with the voucherNumber it is a unique identifier for the voucher. | ||||||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | |||||
accountingYear |
string | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||||||
entries | object | Entries |
entries |
array | An array containing customer payments. | ||||||
entries |
number | Defining whether it is a debit or credit can be done by prefixing the amount with the ‘-’ (minus) sign. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | customerPayment | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to customerPayment. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number must be between 1-999999999. | ||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used by the entry. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
entries |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | financeVoucher | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to financeVoucher. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry. Used if the entry has a VAT account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number must be between 1-999999999. | ||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | manualCustomerInvoice | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to manualCustomerInvoice. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number must be between 1-999999999. | ||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
entries |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | supplierInvoice | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to supplierInvoice. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
entries |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | |||||
entries |
object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
object | The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique self reference of the supplier. | |||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number must be between 1-999999999. | ||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | supplierPayment | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to supplierPayment. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
object | The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique self reference of the supplier. | |||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number must be between 1-999999999. | ||||
journal | object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
journal |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
voucherNumber | number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number must be between 1-999999999. Together with the accountingYear it is a unique identifier for the voucher. |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers/:accountingYear-voucherNumber
Provides detailed information regarding a specific entry that is located on the given voucher.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
accountingYear.self, entries.customerPayments.contraAccount.self, entries.customerPayments.contraVatAccount.self, entries.customerPayments.currency.self, entries.customerPayments.customer.self, entries.customerPayments.employee.self, entries.customerPayments.journal.self, entries.customerPayments.voucher.self, entries.financeVouchers.account.self, entries.financeVouchers.contraAccount.self, entries.financeVouchers.contraVatAccount.self, entries.financeVouchers.currency.self, entries.financeVouchers.employee.self, entries.financeVouchers.journal.self, entries.financeVouchers.project.self, entries.financeVouchers.vatAccount.self, entries.financeVouchers.voucher.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.contraAccount.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.contraVatAccount.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.currency.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.customer.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.employee.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.journal.self, entries.manualCustomerInvoices.voucher.self, entries.supplierInvoices.contraAccount.self, entries.supplierInvoices.contraVatAccount.self, entries.supplierInvoices.currency.self, entries.supplierInvoices.employee.self, entries.supplierInvoices.journal.self, entries.supplierInvoices.paymentDetails.paymentType.self, entries.supplierInvoices.project.self, entries.supplierInvoices.supplier.self, entries.supplierInvoices.voucher.self, entries.supplierPayments.contraAccount.self, entries.supplierPayments.contraVatAccount.self, entries.supplierPayments.currency.self, entries.supplierPayments.employee.self, entries.supplierPayments.journal.self, entries.supplierPayments.supplier.self, entries.supplierPayments.voucher.self, journal.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
accountingYear | object | The accounting year the voucher belongs to. Together with the voucherNumber it is a unique identifier for the voucher. | ||||||
accountingYear |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | |||||
accountingYear |
string | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||||||
attachment | string | uri | A unique reference to the attachment file on the given voucher. | |||||
entries | object | Entries |
entries |
array | An array containing customer payments. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | customerPayment | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to customerPayment. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used by the entry. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
entries |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | financeVoucher | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to financeVoucher. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the vatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry. Used if the entry has a VAT account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the voucher in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | manualCustomerInvoice | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to manualCustomerInvoice. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
entries |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | supplierInvoice | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to supplierInvoice. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
entries |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | |||||
entries |
object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
object | The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique self reference of the supplier. | |||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
entries |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
array | An array containing finance vouchers. | ||||||
entries |
number | |||||||
entries |
number | The amount in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
entries |
object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
entries |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
entries |
number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
entries |
string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
entries |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
entries |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
entries |
object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
entries |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entries |
Enum | supplierPayment | Type of the journal entry. This is automatically set to supplierPayment. | |||||
entries |
number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
entries |
object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
entries |
number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
entries |
object | The supplier is the vendor from whom you buy your goods. Either ‘supplier’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique self reference of the supplier. | |||||
entries |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
entries |
string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
entries |
string | 250 | Entry description. | |||||
entries |
object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
entries |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
entries |
number | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal | object | The journal the voucher belongs to. | ||||||
journal |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique reference to the specific voucher. | |||||
voucherNumber | number | 1 | Voucher number |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers/:accountingYear-voucherNumber/attachment
Provides file attachment metadata. E.g. number of pages available on the document.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
createdAt | string | full-date | Date when file has been assigned with the voucher. |
description | string | Note on the attachment. | |
file | string | uri | A unique link reference to the file attachment. |
pages | integer | Amount of pages associated as attachment with the given voucher. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the attachment meta data. |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers/:accountingYear-voucherNumber/attachment/file
Returns the file attachment for the given voucher. File is always returned as .pdf.
POST /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers/:accountingYear-voucherNumber/attachment/file
var form = new FormData();
form.append("", "/path/to/the/file.png");
var settings = {
"crossDomain": true,
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"x-appsecrettoken": "demo",
"x-agreementgranttoken": "demo",
"cache-control": "no-cache"
"processData": false,
"mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
"data": form
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
Allows attaching a document to the voucher. Supported formats are: .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .gif and .png. Please note that for the file upload “application/json” is not a valid content-type. Upload of binary data requires the content-type header to be “multipart/form-data”. Some clients do not automatically set boundaries on the multipart/form-data and for these you will need to define “multipart/form-data; boundary= ;” where boundary defines the file part of the multipart stream. Maximum file size is 9.0 MB per request.
PATCH /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers/:accountingYear-voucherNumber/attachment/file
Allows you to add more pages to the file, that is associated with the voucher. In case a file is not already present, it will be created (as with the POST operation). Please refer to POST documentation for the implementation details. Maximum file size is 9.0 MB per request.
DELETE /journals/:journalNumber/vouchers/:accountingYear-voucherNumber/attachment/file
Removes the entire file that is associated with the given voucher.
GET /journals/:journalNumber/entries
Returns a collection of all entries in the journal, sorted by entry type.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
account.self, contraAccount.self, contraVatAccount.self, currency.self, customer.self, employee.self, journal.self, paymentDetails.paymentType.self, self, supplier.self, voucher.accountingYear.self, voucher.self
Filterable properties
account.accountNumber, amount, amountDefaultCurrency, contraAccount.accountNumber, contraVatAccount.vatCode, contraVatAmount, currency.code, customer.customerNumber, date, employee.employeeNumber, entryType, exchangeRate, journalEntryNumber, supplier.supplierNumber, text, voucher.voucherNumber
Sortable properties
account.accountNumber, amount, amountDefaultCurrency, contraAccount.accountNumber, contraVatAccount.vatCode, contraVatAmount, currency.code, customer.customerNumber, date, employee.employeeNumber, entryType, exchangeRate, journalEntryNumber, supplier.supplierNumber, text, voucher.voucherNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
account | object | The account used by the entry. | ||||||
account |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
amount | number | |||||||
amountDefaultCurrency | number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
contraAccount | object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
contraAccount |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
contraAccount |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
contraVatAccount | object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
contraVatAccount |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
contraVatAccount |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
contraVatAmount | number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
costType | object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
costType |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
costType |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
currency | object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
currency |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
currency |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
customer | object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
customerInvoice | integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
departmentalDistribution | object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
departmentalDistribution |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
employee | object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
employee |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
employee |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entryType | Enum | financeVoucher |
Entry type of the entry. | |||||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
journal | object | The journal the entry belongs to. | ||||||
journal |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
journalEntryNumber | integer | Unique journal number | ||||||
paymentDetails | object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
paymentDetails |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | ||||||
paymentDetails |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | |||||
paymentDetails |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | |||||
project | object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
quantity1 | number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
quantity2 | number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
remainderInDefaultCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the entry. | |||||
supplier | object | The supplier this entry is based on. | ||||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique reference to the supplier resource. | |||||
supplier |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
supplierInvoiceNumber | string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
templates | object | Templates allowing easy entry creation |
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using account | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using account and contra account | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using contra account | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template | |||||
text | string | Text on the entry | ||||||
unit1 | object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
unit1 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
unit1 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
unit2 | object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
unit2 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
unit2 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
voucher | object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
voucher |
object | The accounting year the voucher belongs to. Together with the voucherNumber it is a unique identifier for the voucher. | ||||||
voucher |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | |||||
voucher |
string | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||||||
voucher |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
voucher |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/entries/:entryNumber
Returns an entry on the given journal.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
account.self, contraAccount.self, contraVatAccount.self, currency.self, customer.self, employee.self, journal.self, paymentDetails.paymentType.self, self, supplier.self, voucher.accountingYear.self, voucher.self
Filterable properties
account.accountNumber, amount, amountDefaultCurrency, contraAccount.accountNumber, contraVatAccount.vatCode, contraVatAmount, currency.code, customer.customerNumber, date, employee.employeeNumber, entryType, exchangeRate, journalEntryNumber, supplier.supplierNumber, text, voucher.voucherNumber
Sortable properties
account.accountNumber, amount, amountDefaultCurrency, contraAccount.accountNumber, contraVatAccount.vatCode, contraVatAmount, currency.code, customer.customerNumber, date, employee.employeeNumber, entryType, exchangeRate, journalEntryNumber, supplier.supplierNumber, text, voucher.voucherNumber
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
account | object | The account used by the entry. | ||||||
account |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
account |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
amount | number | |||||||
amountDefaultCurrency | number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
contraAccount | object | The account used for the funds. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
contraAccount |
integer | 1 | The account number. | |||||
contraAccount |
string | uri | A unique reference to the account resource. | |||||
contraVatAccount | object | The account for VAT. | ||||||
contraVatAccount |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the contraVatAccount item. | |||||
contraVatAccount |
string | 5 | The unique identifier of the contra vat account. | |||||
contraVatAmount | number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account. | ||||||
contraVatAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The amount of VAT on the entry on the contra account in base currency. | ||||||
costType | object | The cost type for this entity. | ||||||
costType |
integer | The unique identifier of the cost type. | ||||||
costType |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the cost type. | |||||
currency | object | The currency for the entry. | ||||||
currency |
string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the entry. | ||||||
currency |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the currency item. | |||||
customer | object | The customer this entry is based on. Either ‘customer’ or ‘contraAccount’ is required. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
customerInvoice | integer | 1 | Customer invoice number. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Entry date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
departmentalDistribution | object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
departmentalDistribution |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
departmentalDistribution |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the entry is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
employee | object | Employee that this entry is related to. Requires Project module | ||||||
employee |
integer | 1 | A unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |||||
employee |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the employee item. | |||||
entryType | Enum | financeVoucher |
Entry type of the entry. | |||||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the base currency and the invoice currency. | ||||||
journal | object | The journal the entry belongs to. | ||||||
journal |
number | 1 | Journal number that must be at least 1. | |||||
journal |
string | uri | A unique reference to the journal resource. | |||||
journalEntryNumber | integer | Unique journal number | ||||||
paymentDetails | object | Payment details associated with the supplier invoice. Each payment detail contains two keys that are required. For the +71 type |
paymentDetails |
object | A specific payment type on the entry. | ||||||
paymentDetails |
integer | 1 | The payment type number is a positive unique numerical identifier. | |||||
paymentDetails |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the payment type item. | |||||
project | object | The project the entry is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | A unique identifier of the project. | ||||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
quantity1 | number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
quantity2 | number | Requires dimension module. | ||||||
remainder | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid. | |||||
remainderInDefaultCurrency | number | True | Remaining amount to be paid in default currency. | |||||
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the entry. | |||||
supplier | object | The supplier this entry is based on. | ||||||
supplier |
string | uri | A unique reference to the supplier resource. | |||||
supplier |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The supplier number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | ||||
supplierInvoiceNumber | string | 30 | The unique identifier of the supplier invoice gotten from the supplier. | |||||
templates | object | Templates allowing easy entry creation |
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using account | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using account and contra account | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using contra account | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template | |||||
text | string | Text on the entry | ||||||
unit1 | object | The first unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
unit1 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
unit1 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
unit2 | object | The second unit of measure applied to the entry. Requires dimension module. | ||||||
unit2 |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
unit2 |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
voucher | object | Voucher that the entry belongs to. | ||||||
voucher |
object | The accounting year the voucher belongs to. Together with the voucherNumber it is a unique identifier for the voucher. | ||||||
voucher |
string | uri | A unique reference to the accounting year resource. | |||||
voucher |
string | A unique identifier of the accounting year. | ||||||
voucher |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the voucher item. | |||||
voucher |
number | 999999999 | 1 | Journal voucher number that must be at least 1. |
DELETE /journals/:journalNumber/entries/:entryNumber
Removes an entry from the given journal.
GET /journals/:journalNumber/templates
Returns the templates available for journal entries. Templates are used to simplifiy the resource creation that can be quite complex to build. Please note that templates return entry objects that must be wrapped in a voucher object and POSTed to /vouchers.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
financeVoucher | string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template |
manualCustomerInvoice | string | uri | The unique reference to the manual customer invoice template |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the templates resource. |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/templates/financeVoucher
"accountingYear": {
"year": "2017"
"journal": {
"journalNumber": 1
"entries": {
"financeVouchers": [
Template data goes here
Returns a template that sets the boilerplate for a finance voucher entry. It can take account and contra account into consideration. Please note that in order to be able to POST it, the template data must be wrapped in a voucher object.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
account | string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using account |
contraAccount | string | uri | The unique reference to the finance voucher template using contra account |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the finance voucher template collection. |
GET /journals/:journalNumber/templates/manualCustomerInvoice
"accountingYear": {
"year": "2017"
"journal": {
"journalNumber": 1
"entries": {
"manualCustomerInvoices": [
Template data goes here
Returns a template that sets the boilerplate for a manual customer invoice. It can take account and contra account into consideration. Please note that in order to be able to POST it, the template data must be wrapped in a voucher object.
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, self
Name | Type | Format | Max value | Min value | Description |
customer | object | Specific customer | |||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer number is a positive unique numerical identifier with a maximum of 9 digits. | |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the manual customer invoice with the specific customer resource. | ||
metaData | object | Information about possible actions |
pagination | object | Information about the pagination. | |||
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the manual customer invoice template collection. |
Layouts are a collection of templates and used for assigning a layout to a sales document (invoice, order, quotation). Template modification is done via e-conomic web application.
For more information please look at the Danish e-copedia article
GET /layouts
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
deleted | boolean | A flag indicating that the layout is deleted. Layouts with this flag set will not appear in the collection of layouts |
layoutNumber | integer | A unique identifier of the layout. | ||
name | string | 250 | The name of the layout. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. |
GET /layouts/:layoutNumber
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Max length | Description |
deleted | boolean | A flag indicating that the layout is deleted. Layouts with this flag set will not appear in the collection of layouts |
layoutNumber | integer | A unique identifier of the layout. | ||
name | string | 250 | The name of the layout. | |
self | string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. |
The orders endpoint is where you go to read and create orders.
We provide several collections indicating various states of the order e.g. “sent”, “archived” and “draft”.
The endpoint is exposed in similar fashion to /invoices, which makes it easy to adopt if you are using /invoices today.
Current implementation suports various operations including marking order an as sent as well as transitioning from order to invoice.
The inventory module is not supported in the current version of /orders. This means that data creation and modification on resources in /orders will not be available on agreements that have inventory module enabled. There is currently no exposure of orders that are in the inventory delivery flow (“transfer to delivery/invoicing”).
For more information about orders please look at the Danish e-copedia article
GET /orders
This is the root for the orders endpoint. From here you can navigate to draft, sent and archived orders.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
archived | string | uri | A reference to all archived orders. |
drafts | string | uri | A reference to all draft orders. |
self | string | uri | A reference to the orders resource. |
sent | string | uri | A reference to all sent orders. |
GET /orders/drafts
This returns a collection of all draft orders.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, lastUpdated, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Default sorting
orderNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the order in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being orderd. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | |||||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | True | The last time the order was updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | ||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
orderNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the order document. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References to a pdf representation of this order. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | References a pdf representation of this order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the specific draft order. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this draft invoice. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the order templates resource. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/drafts to upgrade the order to an invoice draft. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the order in the order currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
POST /orders/drafts/
POST'ing to it allows you to create a new order draft.
var headers = {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
var order = {
"date": "2018-03-01",
"currency": "DKK",
"exchangeRate": 100,
"netAmount": 10.00,
"netAmountInBaseCurrency": 0.00,
"grossAmount": 12.50,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0,
"vatAmount": 2.50,
"roundingAmount": 0.00,
"costPriceInBaseCurrency": 46.93,
"paymentTerms": {
"paymentTermsNumber": 1,
"daysOfCredit": 14,
"name": "Lobende maned 14 dage",
"paymentTermsType": "invoiceMonth"
"customer": {
"customerNumber": 1
"recipient": {
"name": "Toj & Co Grossisten",
"address": "Vejlevej 21",
"zip": "7000",
"city": "Fredericia",
"vatZone": {
"name": "Domestic",
"vatZoneNumber": 1,
"enabledForCustomer": true,
"enabledForSupplier": true
"delivery": {
"address": "Hovedvejen 1",
"zip": "2300",
"city": "Kbh S",
"country": "Denmark",
"deliveryDate": "2014-09-14"
"references": {
"other": "aaaa"
"layout": {
"layoutNumber": 5
"lines": [
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 2,
"name": "Tim"
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 1,
"name": "stk."
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
"unit": {
"unitNumber": 4
"product": {
"productNumber": "50"
"quantity": 1.00,
"unitNetPrice": 10.00,
"discountPercentage": 0.00,
"unitCostPrice": 46.93,
"totalNetAmount": 10.00,
"marginInBaseCurrency": -46.93,
"marginPercentage": 0.0
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#input').text(JSON.stringify(order, null, 4));
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: headers,
data: JSON.stringify(order),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
type: "POST"
}).always(function (data) {
$('#output').text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
currency, customer, date, layout, paymentTerms, recipient,, recipient.vatZone
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
currency | string | The ISO 4217 3-letter currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer of the order. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | |||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order is due for payment. This property is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’ |
exchangeRate | number | 999999999999 | The desired exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. If no exchange rate is supplied |
grossAmount | number | True | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |||||
layout | object | The layout used by the order. | ||||||
layout |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the layout. | |||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique reference to the layout resource. | |||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific order lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | The accrual for the order. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. Please note |
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | The line number is a unique number within the order. | |||||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the order line in base currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The margin on the order line expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the order line. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the order. | |||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 1 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the order currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the order line in the order currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | True | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | |||||
marginPercentage | number | True | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | |||||
netAmount | number | True | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | |||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | True | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | ||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | True | net |
The type the payment term. | ||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References a pdf representation of this order. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this draft order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | The phone number the order was sent to (if applicable). | ||||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order. | |||||
references |
object | The primary sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | True | The total rounding error |
vatAmount | number | True | The total amount of VAT on the order in the order currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
GET /orders/drafts/:orderNumber
This endpoint provides you with the entire document for a specific order draft.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, layout.self, lines.departmentalDistribution.self, lines.product.self,, lines.unit.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, lastUpdated, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
attachment | string | uri | A unique reference to the attachment file on the given draft order. | |||||
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the order in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer of the order. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | True | The last time the order was updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | ||||
layout | object | Layout to be applied for draft orders and other documents for this customer. | ||||||
layout |
integer | The unique identifier of the layout. | ||||||
layout |
string | uri | A unique link reference to the layout item. | |||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific order lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | Accrual is used to allocate costs and/or revenues over several periods. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |||||
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The line number is a unique number within the order. | |||||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the order line in base currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The margin on the order line expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | 999999999999999999 | 0.01 | The number of units of goods on the order line. | ||||
lines |
integer | 0 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the order. | |||||
lines |
number | The total net amount on the order line in the order currency. | ||||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 100 | The name of the unit (e.g. ‘kg’ for weight or ‘l’ for volume). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the order currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the order line in the order currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
orderNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the order document. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type duedate. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this order. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The ‘European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the draft order. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this order. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the order templates resource. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/drafts to upgrade the order to an invoice draft. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the order in the order currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
PUT /orders/drafts/:orderNumber
This endpoint allows for replacing already existing order
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties, recipient
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the order in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer of the order. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific order lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | Accrual is used to allocate costs and/or revenues over several periods. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |||||
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The line number is a unique number within the order. | |||||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the order line in base currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The margin on the order line expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | The number of units of goods on the order line. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the order. | |||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 100 | The name of the unit (e.g. ‘kg’ for weight or ‘l’ for volume). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the order currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the order line in the order currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
orderNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the order document. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type duedate. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this order. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The ‘European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
Enum | ean |
Chosen NemHandel type used for e-invoicing. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the draft order. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this order. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the order templates resource. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/drafts to upgrade the order to an invoice draft. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the order in the order currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
DELETE /orders/drafts/:orderNumber
Deletes a draft order. The delete operation will return a 204 status code. Operation is not idempotent, which means that on the consecutive calls it will be returning status code 404.
GET /orders/drafts/:orderNumber/attachment
Returns the reference to the attached file on a given order.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
GET /orders/drafts/:orderNumber/attachment/file
Returns the file attachment for the given order. File is always returned as .pdf.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
POST /orders/drafts/:orderNumber/attachment/file
Allows attaching a document to the order. Only valid PDF files are supported. Please note that for the file upload “application/json” is not a valid content-type. Upload of binary data requires the content-type header to be “multipart/form-data”. Some clients do not automatically set boundaries on the multipart/form-data and for these you will need to define “multipart/form-data; boundary= ;” where boundary defines the file part of the multipart stream. Returns status code 201 upon successful creation. Maximum file size is 9.0 MB per request.
var form = new FormData();
form.append("", "path/to/the/file.jpg");
var settings = {
"crossDomain": true,
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"x-appsecrettoken": "demo",
"x-agreementgranttoken": "demo",
"cache-control": "no-cache"
"processData": false,
"mimeType": "multipart/form-data",
"data": form
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
DELETE /orders/drafts/:orderNumber/attachment/file
Removes the entire attached document that is associated with the given order. Returns status code 204 upon successful deletion. Operation is not idempotent, which means that on the consecutive calls it will be returning status code 404.
GET /orders/drafts/:orderNumber/templates
Returns the templates available for the order. Templates are used to simplifiy the resource creation that can be quite complex to build.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required property
Name | Type | Format | Description |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the templates resource. |
upgradeInstructions | string | uri | The unique reference to the upgrade instructions template |
GET /orders/drafts/:orderNumber/templates/upgrade-instructions/draftInvoice
Upgrade to invoice draft
Returns a draftInvoice entity that can be POSTed to /invoices/drafts to upgrade the order to an invoice draft. An order residing in /orders/sent, will be archived in /orders/archived upon upgrading it to invoice draft. Inventory module: Please note that draft invoices do not result in inventory reservation.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
GET /orders/sent
This returns a collection of all sent orders.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, lastUpdated, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Default sorting
orderNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the order in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being orderd. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | |||||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | True | The last time the order was updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | ||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
orderNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the order document. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References to a pdf representation of this order. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | References a pdf representation of this order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the specific sent order. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this sent order. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the order templates resource. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/drafts to upgrade the order to an invoice draft. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the order in the order currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
POST /orders/sent
Register order as sent
POST the full order document to /orders/sent to register the order as sent. All data on a sent order must remain unchanged (cannot be modified).
Cancel order sent status:
POST the full order document to orders/drafts/ to cancel the sent status.
Send via email
Sending sales documents via email is not supported through API. To send an order or invoice via email, you must fetch the necessary data/PDF via the API and email either the file or a link to a self-hosted endpoint via own email solution.
GET /orders/sent/:orderNumber
This endpoint provides you with the entire document for a specific sent order.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a single object
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, lines.departmentalDistribution.self, lines.product.self,, lines.unit.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self, templates.self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, lastUpdated, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the order in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer of the order. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order |
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
lastUpdated | string | full-date | True | The last time the order was updated. The date is formatted according to ISO-8601. | ||||
lines | array | An array containing the specific order lines. | ||||||
lines |
object | Accrual is used to allocate costs and/or revenues over several periods. | ||||||
lines |
string | full-date | The end date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
string | full-date | The start date for the accrual. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. | |||||
lines |
object | A departmental distribution defines which departments this entry is distributed between. This requires the departments module to be enabled. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the departmental distribution. | |||||
lines |
string | Type of the distribution | ||||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the departmental distribution resource. | |||||
lines |
string | 2500 | A description of the product or service sold. | |||||
lines |
number | A line discount expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The line number is a unique number within the order. | |||||
lines |
number | The difference between the net price and the cost price on the order line in base currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The margin on the order line expressed as a percentage. | ||||||
lines |
object | The product or service offered on the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 25 | The unique product number. This can be a stock keeping unit identifier (SKU). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the product resource. | |||||
lines |
number | 999999999999999999 | 0.01 | The number of units of goods on the order line. | ||||
lines |
integer | 0 | A sort key used to sort the lines in ascending order within the order. | |||||
lines |
object | The unit of measure applied to the order line. | ||||||
lines |
string | 100 | The name of the unit (e.g. ‘kg’ for weight or ‘l’ for volume). | |||||
lines |
string | uri | A unique reference to the unit resource. | |||||
lines |
integer | 0 | The unique identifier of the unit. | |||||
lines |
number | The cost price of 1 unit of the goods or services in the order currency. | ||||||
lines |
number | The price of 1 unit of the goods or services on the order line in the order currency. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
orderNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the order document. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type duedate. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | References a pdf representation of this order. | |||||||
pdf |
string | uri | The unique reference of the pdf representation for this order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The ‘European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |
integer | 0 | Unique identifier of the customer contact. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer contact resource. | |||||
references |
string | 250 | A text field that can be used to save any custom reference on the order. | |||||
references |
object | The sales person is a reference to the employee who sold the goods on the order. This is also the person who is credited with this sale in reports. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
references |
object | A reference to any second employee involved in the sale. | ||||||
references |
integer | 1 | Unique identifier of the employee. | |||||
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the employee resource. | |||||
roundingAmount | number | The total rounding error |
self | string | uri | The unique self reference of the sent order. | |||||
soap | object | References a SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
object | The unique reference of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
soap |
integer | ID of the SOAP order handle. | ||||||
templates | object | True | References to all templates on this sent order. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the order templates resource. | |||||
templates |
string | uri | The self reference to the document to POST to /invoices/drafts to upgrade the order to an invoice draft. | |||||
vatAmount | number | The total amount of VAT on the order in the order currency. This will have the same sign as net amount |
DELETE /orders/sent/:orderNumber
Deletes a sent order. The delete operation will return a 204 status code. Operation is not idempotent, which means that on the consecutive calls it will be returning status code 404.
GET /orders/archived
This returns a collection of all archived orders.
An archived order is an order that was first registered as sent and then upgraded to invoice draft.
url: "",
dataType: "json",
headers: {
'X-AppSecretToken': "demo",
'X-AgreementGrantToken': "demo",
'Content-Type': "application/json"
type: "GET"
.always(function (data) {
$("#output").text(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Schema name
Return type
This method returns a collection of items. The containing items are described below.
Required properties
customer.self, deliveryLocation.self, paymentTerms.self, project.self, recipient.attention.self, recipient.vatZone.self, references.customerContact.customer.self, references.customerContact.self, references.salesPerson.self, references.vendorReference.self, self
Filterable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Sortable properties
currency, customer.customerNumber, date, delivery.address,,, delivery.deliveryDate, delivery.deliveryTerms,, deliveryLocation.deliveryLocationNumber, exchangeRate, notes.heading, notes.textLine1, notes.textLine2, orderNumber, paymentTerms.paymentTermsNumber, recipient.address,,, recipient.ean,, recipient.publicEntryNumber,, references.customerContact.customer.customerNumber, references.other, references.salesPerson.employeeNumber, references.vendorReference.employeeNumber,
Default sorting
orderNumber : ascending
Name | Type | Format | Read-only | Max length | Max value | Min value | Values | Description |
costPriceInBaseCurrency | number | The total cost of the items on the order in the base currency of the agreement. | ||||||
currency | string | The ISO 4217 currency code of the order. | ||||||
customer | object | The customer being orderd. | ||||||
customer |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
customer |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
date | string | full-date | Order issue date. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). | |||||
delivery | object | The actual place of delivery for the goods on the order. This is usually the same place as the one referenced in the deliveryLocation property |
delivery |
string | 255 | Street address where the goods must be delivered to the customer. | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The city of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | 50 | The country of the place of delivery | |||||
delivery |
string | full-date | The date of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 100 | Details about the terms of delivery. | |||||
delivery |
string | 30 | The zip code of the place of delivery. | |||||
deliveryLocation | object | A reference to the place of delivery for the goods on the order | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
integer | A unique identifier for the delivery location. | ||||||
deliveryLocation |
string | uri | A unique reference to the delivery location resource. | |||||
dueDate | string | full-date | The date the order is due for payment. Format according to ISO-8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). This is only used if the terms of payment is of type ‘duedate’. | |||||
exchangeRate | number | The exchange rate between the order currency and the base currency of the agreement. The exchange rate expresses how much it will cost in base currency to buy 100 units of the order currency. | ||||||
grossAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
grossAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement after all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
marginInBaseCurrency | number | The difference between the cost price of the items on the order and the sales net order amount in base currency. | ||||||
marginPercentage | number | The margin expressed as a percentage. If the net order amount is less than the cost price this number will be negative. | ||||||
netAmount | number | The total order amount in the order currency before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
netAmountInBaseCurrency | number | The total order amount in the base currency of the agreement before all taxes and discounts have been applied. | ||||||
notes | object | Notes on the order. | ||||||
notes |
string | 250 | The order heading. Usually displayed at the top of the order. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The first line of supplementary text on the order. This is usually displayed right under the heading in a smaller font. | |||||
notes |
string | 1000 | The second line of supplementary text in the notes on the order. This is usually displayed as a footer on the order. | |||||
orderNumber | integer | 999999999 | 1 | A reference number for the order document. | ||||
paymentTerms | object | The terms of payment for the order. | ||||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 0 | The number of days of credit on the order. This field is only valid if terms of payment is not of type ‘duedate | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | 50 | The name of the payment terms. | |||||
paymentTerms |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
Enum | net |
The type of payment term. | |||||
paymentTerms |
string | uri | A unique reference to the payment term resource. | |||||
object | True | References to a pdf representation of this order. | ||||||
pdf |
string | uri | References a pdf representation of this order. | |||||
project | object | The project the order is connected to. | ||||||
project |
integer | 1 | A unique identifier of the project. | |||||
project |
string | uri | A unique reference to the project resource. | |||||
recipient | object | The actual recipient of the order. This may be the same info found on the customer (and will probably be so in most cases) but it may also be a different recipient. For instance |
recipient |
string | 250 | The street address of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | The person to whom this order is addressed. | ||||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the customer employee. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer employee. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The city of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The country of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The Corporate Identification Number of the recipient for example CVR in Denmark. | |||||
recipient |
string | 13 | The 'European Article Number’ of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 250 | The name of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
string | 40 | The public entry number of the actual recipient. | |||||
recipient |
object | Recipient vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | uri | A unique reference to the vat zone. | |||||
recipient |
integer | Unique identifier of the vat zone. | ||||||
recipient |
string | 50 | The zip code of the actual recipient. | |||||
references | object | Customer and company references related to this order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer contact is a reference to the employee at the customer to contact regarding the order. | ||||||
references |
object | The customer this contact belongs to. | ||||||
references |
integer | 999999999 | 1 | The customer id number. The customer id number can be either positive or negative |
references |
string | uri | A unique reference to the customer resource. | |||||
references |